Here is how to act like homeschoolers with an example of an upside down day with evening homeschool, a field trip, movies for history, plenty of outside time and more! There really isn’t a magic formula for acting like homeschoolers. I just really wanted to share how you have the freedom to tailor your homeschool […]
Search Results for: Tapestry of Grace
What a January Homeschool Routine Looks Like For Multiple Ages
Are you returning to a routine in your January homeschool? Here is an example of how the first two weeks of January can go for a homeschool family with multiple ages from first grade to a high school junior. We are roughly two weeks into our January homeschool here in our Hodgepodge homeschool. Here is […]
5 Reasons to Have Reading Week in Your Homeschool
Here are 5 reasons to have a reading week in your homeschool because this week we have been thoroughly indulging in it. I highly recommend it! What is reading week and how do you do it? Our reasons to have a reading week came as the result of several factors and happened sort of last […]
Homeschool Kindergarten Curriculum Choices
Here you will find our favorite homeschool kindergarten curriculum choices. These are homeschool resources we have used through five children. Rest assured I am still in the planning stages, but we pretty much have a handle on what resources we’ll be using – based on experience. My littlest guy is officially a kindergartener now! (Pause […]
A Daily Homeschool Schedule at Hodgepodge
Find a sample of daily homeschool schedule for an age range of homeschool students from preschool to high school. Day in the life of an age range? Multiple Ages? Sometimes I think homeschooling has taught me more than the children. This season of my life is a constant refining by fire. I have so many […]
Curriculum Choices for Homeschooling Preschool
A reader had a question on homeschooling preschool. Kayla said that I could share her question with you. I thought it might help some of you making homeschool decisions. Question: Hello! My name is Kayla and I’m a homeschooling mom to three (so far). I really love the Rod and Staff (R & S) curriculum. […]
Finding the Heart of Homeschool
Sometimes when I am in the thick of a homeschool day, I have to remind myself about finding the heart of homeschool. It can be busy and the needs of the age range are many. But during this homeschool week the Lord reminded me about relationships. And He reminded me to ask Him for wisdom. […]
Everything You Need to Know About Choosing a Homeschool Curriculum
Imagine this scene…. You’re new to homeschooling, and you’ve filed your notice of intent (or whatever is required in your state). You have cleaned out the guest room, added desks, and created a “school room” (or you’ve just cleared off a space on the kitchen table). You’ve even purchased a set of bookshelves from a […]
How to Fit in the Extras with Unit Studies
One way we fit in homeschool extras is to do the learning together. All the ages, all the children studying one or more subjects – matching each child’s age and ability. Here is how to fit in the extras with unit studies. Extras with Unit Studies Make it Easy We do this weekly, the whole […]
Afternoon Quiet Time Part Three – Questions
Keeping up the habit of sharing a helpful habit! Today I share answers to the questions about the anchor of our day. A habit of a couple of decades. Originally posted November 2009 and updated recently on Hodgepodge for today’s needs. Afternoon Quiet Time is this… If you haven’t read the other posts in this […]
100 Helpful Homeschool Habits
Helpful homeschool habits. Over the years with babies, toddlers, stacks of school books, hungry mouths and now towering teens, these are the basic routes I’ve discovered for seeing results. (And honestly, for keeping my sanity in that daily does of chaos with five children!) Over 100 helpful homeschool habits. All of our best habits in […]
Elementary Homeschool Curriculum Choices
Many a time I have found myself pausing and being thankful that the younger two that make up our elementary homeschool are so close in age. Almost exactly two years apart with the same birthday month. They are buddies and they cheer each other on in their learning. Older sister coaches reading. Younger brother waits […]
Preschool and Kindergarten Homeschool Curriculum Choices
In years past, I have always shared details of our preschool and kindergarten curriculum choices here at Hodgepodge. Now that we’ve had much practice with children in preschool, elementary, middle and high school all at once, I felt it was time to make a permanent spot for all our favorite homeschool curricula. One place that […]