There are many ways to weave hymns into your homeschool days. I’ve always loved the old hymns. Like many, I was fortunate to be raised on them. They are a part of me. For quite a while now, I’ve made sure I spend part of my morning quiet time flipping through that hymnal. Pausing on a favorite. Remembering the chorus of another. Each hymn holds such wonderful truth.

Most hymns have the ability to transport me back to a specific time and place. When I sing Because He Lives, I can hear the organ, see that tall ceiling and picture in my mind the gorgeous stained glass of the church I grew up in.
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5 Ways to Weave Hymns Into Your Homeschool Days
Often I like to share a photo of a hymn on Instagram. And I’ve been asked how I make hymns a part of my days. So I am sharing five simple ways to weave hymns into your days.
Awake, my soul, and sing of Him who died for thee, And hail Him as they matchless King Thro’ all eternity.
1. Include hymns in your personal quiet time or your homeschool devotion time.
I have a Baptist hymnal right on the end table next to the couch where I have my morning quiet time. I open up that hymnal, flip through and find several that speak to me that particular morning. You might not have a hymnal handy on your end table, but:
- is a great online resource for hymns. Search by title and find not only the lyrics but stories behind the hymns – about the authors that penned those words and more.
- Sacred Favorites – I found via Sky Angel TV years ago. Listen online to great hymns, Bible studies and more.
2. When you want to scream, just sing.
Yes, as you go about your day and face frustrations – Just sing! It sure helps to turn frustrations into praise.
Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow! Praise Him All Creatures Here Below…Praise Him Above Ye Heavenly Host. Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Amen!!
3. She Reads Truth Hymns Devotion Studies
Lately I have been enjoying these wonderful studies of hymns on my phone via the She Reads Truth App. These four studies are FREE. So, go download them now!
4. Make Hymns a Habit in Your Homeschool
Play them often! Teach them to your children! Our favorite hymn set to listen to is Hymns Triumphant. This two volume set runs in the background while we get ready for church on Sunday mornings. Or at random times during the week.
I am sure you can likely get Hymns Triumphant via iTunes as well but we have the CDs that Hodgepodgedad pulled into the family library so we can listen via AppleTV.
5. Wear Hymns Around Your Neck
We love our wonderful diffuser necklaces! These are our very favorite from Sacred Arrow Jewelry and The Hymn Drop Shop. Each of the above (except the ‘It is Well with my Soul’ which has a leather strap at the nape of the neck) is a locket style. We open up the locket and place a leather disc inside. On the disc we place one drop of an essential oil. I just love having that reminder to turn your eyes upon Jesus, look full in His wonderful face…
Bonus: Hymn Books and Hymn Art Lessons for Your Homeschool!
Update! My dear friend, Susan, gave me this book last spring and I have loved it to pieces! This is the first in a series of hymn stories. Then Sings My Soul not only has 150 Christmas, Easter and all-time favorite hymns but it has the story behind each. Plus the story on the hymn writer. Highly recommend!
- Then Sings My Soul Special Edition
- Then Sings My Soul, Book 2: 150 of the World’s Greatest Hymn Stories
- Then Sings My Soul Book 3: The Story of Our Songs: Drawing Strength from the Great Hymns of Our Faith (Then Sings My Soul (Thomas Nelson))
Hymns Video Art Lessons
Exclusive to the You ARE an Artist Clubhouse, Nana leads you in Hymns Video Art Lessons. As you study a favorite hymn, paint with either chalk pastels or acrylics what you might imagine this hymn means. Nana’s hymns video art lessons are a perfect complement to a hymn memorization study! Series only available with You ARE an Artist Clubhouse or Clubhouse Complete membership.
Follow Tricia’s board Hymns on Pinterest.
More resources for hymns and hymn study gathered on my Hymns Pinterest board.
“Next to the Word of God, the noble art of music is the greatest treasure in the world. It controls our thoughts, minds, hearts and spirits…” -Martin Luther
Come Thou fount of ev’ry blessing, tune my heart to sing Thy grace…
In what ways do YOU weave hymns into your homeschool and your days?
-first published March 2018, updated January 2022
WOW! Such a good and encouraging post…I am incorporating these into my day. My favorite is to keep a hymnal with your devotional and Bible! Thanks for the inspiration!
I love all of this — especially wearing hymns around your neck. 🙂 I’m going to be sharing this post. You have so many lovely ideas here, Tricia.
Thanks Mary! I especially love wearing hymns around my neck – it is well with my soul!
When you want to scream….
When my son, my oldest and my only boy left our home to move across the country at age 19, I just was beside myself with grief. His littlest sisters, then 3 and 10 were with me at the bus station where i fought every fiber of my mothering being and dropped him off so he could spread his wings. we hugged, prayed laughed and took pictures. finally that bus rolled in and he had to go. Sobs racked my body. To release my son to the world. (It sounds dramatic, but he had a wonderful circle of friends and support of mentors on the ground where he was headed.) As the bus pulled away all i could do was try to find words to pray. There were none. But the words from the order of service from my childhood church came to me “It is indeed right, our duty and our joy, that we should at all times and in all places give thanks and praise to you, almighty and merciful God, through our Savior Jesus Christ.” And so i tried to sing the only praise i could think of… “Praise God from whom all blessings flow, praise Him all creatures here below, praise Him above ye heavenly hosts. Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost.” I sang this over and over and over again. Until I had it together enough to drive out of the parking lot. I sang until i could sing it strong and with confidence. This hymn was my heart-song in that moment. Praising God at the depth of my grief was the only thing i could think of. And i kept singing until i could sing without my voice cracking, letting God fill and flow through my sadness pouring out through my voice in praise. God has given me confidence every time my grief breaks through and rolls down my cheek in the less frequent tear. My son has been gone almost a year, and is doing really well in his new place.
Psalm 71:6 says, “From birth I have relied on you; you brought me forth from my mother’s womb. I will ever praise you.”
JaNell – this is simply beautiful! Hymns and their great truths can be such a ministering comfort as well. Yes! And thank you for sharing this story from your mama heart. Tears to joy!
I loved the book series Hymns for a Child’s Heart for the stories and hymns. I will look into your recommendations. Thanks!
Thank you for sharing!