As a fellow homeschool mom, I know what it’s like to feel worn out by all the options online. But I also know that homeschooling can be simple and full of freedom. That’s why these fabulous homeschoolers and I hosted a FREE Your Best Homeschool event! SIGN UP For The Event HERE: Your Best Homeschool […]
Starting Your Homeschool Journey
When starting your homeschool journey consider building routines that will become the foundation of your homeschool days. Even though I’ve been homeschooling awhile, I too sometimes question what I’m doing. Am I doing enough? Did I make the right choice? Is xyz curriculum what this child needs? And sometimes I feel like I have no […]
Back to Homeschool Basics
Building independence, focus and relationships with back to homeschool basics. Here is an example of a week homeschooling multiple ages! Back to Homeschool Basics I am seeking those ancient paths. Honing and focusing, cutting out all the unnecessary. It goes back to keeping those long term goals in mind for each child. So, this past […]
How Morning Room Time Builds Preschool Homeschool Learning Skills for Later
How morning room time builds preschool homeschool learning skills for later and the independent learning benefits I’ve seen in my children. My two youngest children have outgrown our long-time homeschool habit of morning room time. Today I am sharing the benefits of this habit I’ve seen in all my children. Just how room time builds […]
Writing Workshop for Homeschooling Multiple Ages
I decided we would call this week a Writing Workshop for Multiple Ages. Something about a workshop makes it a little more fun, don’t you think? A workshop implies all sorts of things and reminds me to pull out all the resources. Writing Workshop for Homeschooling Multiple Ages Sometimes in our homeschool we just need […]
How to Skip the Homeschool Sidetracks
Raise your hand if your homeschool day ever gets sidetracked. (Me raising my hand.) Sidetracks are sometimes a glorious route for learning – following a trail to learn a little more about a certain subject. I’ve shared about those type of homeschool sidetracks here at Hodgepodge before. Those are the good sidetracks and I’m all […]
Fast Food for Slow Sundays: Potato Soup Recipe
Talk about a perfectly easy potato soup recipe to make a large amount of and share on Sunday for lunch! Talk about frugal! With this recipe, you can make it on the stove top or in the slower cooker. Make potato soup on Friday or Saturday and warm it up for the the whole family. […]
Mid-Year Homeschool Reboot – Helpful Homeschool Habit
Does your family need a mid-year homeschool reboot? Each January, we are slow and steady and somewhat reluctant to get back to homeschool. Through the holidays we stay up late, sleep in a little, watch movies and enjoy no schedule. How about you? We simply enjoy each other. Speaking of enjoying each other… A long […]
Homeschool Independent Learning
What homeschool independent learning looks like with multiple ages from elementary all the way up to high school. Including extracurricular learning. An overall theme for this month has been homeschool independent learning. It’s something we’ve worked on for all our years of homeschooling. Busy, blessed and – forced rest! That is what our homeschool looked […]
Homemade Suet Recipe for Your Backyard Birds
Enjoy a homemade suet recipe and see how our homeschool family studied and learned about which type of food attracts a variety of backyard birds! We are making some of this today, so I thought I’d post the recipe our eldest son shared… Homemade Suet Recipe and Other Homeschool Science Ideas for Birds We did […]
The Art of Thank You Notes: Homeschool Handwriting
Some practical tips for homeschool handwriting and the art of thank you notes. Includes art, handwriting practice as well as a heap of gratitude! The Art of Thank You Notes: Homeschool Handwriting the Fun Way! With all those gifts coming from family friends over the holidays, it’s time to enjoy some art. Yes, writing thank […]
Simplify With Three Gifts for Christmas
Give three gifts for Christmas for each child. Narrow down the focus of your gift giving. Enjoy Christmas. Celebrate the true meaning. Here is the habit that helped us simplify gift giving for our children. Three gifts for Christmas. The calendar flipped to November. Today, the days to Christmas widget on my desktop says 46 […]
How to Get Wisdom for Every Day In Your Homeschool
Here is how to find wisdom for every day in your homeschool. Sweet, simple and teachable moments and prayers. We are smack dab in the middle of the morning when he asks. He’s looking far away, out the window. “When will God come to town?” How to Get Wisdom for Every Day In Your Homeschool […]
Note to Self: Thanksgiving Planning Made Easy
Here is how to make a note to self: Thanksgiving planning made easy. Simple and practical habits for hosting an easy Thanksgiving celebration. We have hosted our family’s Thanksgiving celebration for many years. Each year about this time, I start making lists. And so on. And every year I find myself straining my already-strained brain […]