The Charlotte Mason Method
I love CM because it allows children to be completely immersed in God’s beautiful creation while learning useful skills needed to be a productive and well-rounded adult. It fosters a love for the wilderness while nurturing a love for simple learning. –Kerstin (HS Mom)
I have said before that my home school is very Charlotte Mason inspired but I am not what some would call a Charlotte Mason Purist. That means that I do not try to cross every “t” or dot every “i” as far as this home school method is concerned. I love every part of this method but I do not feel strongly about covering everything she did or focusing on it as much as she did. I do like this method so much that I thought I would take a moment to share my favorite Charlotte Mason resources, links, books, blogs, etc. If you have any questions about this method please leave it in a comment and I will get back with you a.s.a.p. !
The Charlotte Mason philosophy on home schooling has revolutionized not only our home school, but the way we parent. –Melanie (HS Mom)
Angie, thank you for pointing the way to so many wonderful resources. Your enthusiasm is contagious. Love the quotes from moms too 🙂