Yet again I am impressed with and thankful for Answers in Genesis and the resources they continue to provide. I want to introduce you to the latest addition to our homeschool – Answers Bible Curriculum. I shared a review at The Curriculum Choice. (there’s also a giveaway with a few days left!)
And while I was writing that review I was reminded again just how much of an impact Answers in Genesis (AiG) has had in our home and our homeschool. Just how much these resources have helped us disciple our children and learn more ourselves.
So, today, I share with you a gathering of Answers in Genesis. Enjoy – and please know that each of these come with our highest recommendation!
Answers Bible Curriculum review – “I had, in my heart, been searching for something just for my young adults. A challenging resource, rich in learning. A resource we could partner with in our parenting. So, when I read the mission statement on the inside of the Answers Bible Curriculum Teacher Guide, I knew that these were the resources we would partner with.” (I reviewed the high school level but it is available for all ages. See how we adapted it for family devotion time.)
Homeschool Science for Multiple Ages – more on how we enjoy God’s Design for Science series. “We look forward to it. The reading of the science lesson during lunch. Not every day but most days we enjoy a lesson. We use several resources for all our ages. I’ll share them with you today as well as how we work them into our days – for each of our ages. In each section, I’ll share links to more how tos or reviews.” My review of God’s Design for Science (the resource that brought our family together for science learning).
Enjoying Answers Magazine – a post from my Eldest Son a couple of years ago. “Everything is good about Answers Magazine. I would recommend it to everyone starting in upper elementary age. For the younger children, the Answers for Kids section in each magazine is good. There is also an Answers for Kids section of their website.”
Answers Book for Kids Volumes 1-4 – How did all the dinosaurs fit on the ark? – Abby G., age 6, New Mexico. If you are like me, you are asked these sorts of questions by your children. And, maybe like me, you are still learning too? You want to be intentional in building a Biblical foundation and worldview. Enter The Answers Book for Kids, Volumes 1-4. (We often use these in devotion time).
Answers for Preschoolers – Stop, drop and roll; numbers, matching, science, music, math, cutting and pasting, coloring, calendar and pattern practice, weather and seasons, holidays, physical education, Bible verse memory work and Biblical world view. Definitely a “Complete multi-subject curriculum for preschoolers” ~ Answers in Genesis
More AiG resources we have used and enjoyed:
- Answers in Genesis Guides – Museum Guide, Zoo Guide and Aquarium Guide. (Littlest Girl got the mini Aquarium Guide for her birthday last year – handy to use with our Georgia Aquarium annual passes).
- Science Fair Project Ideas using Answers in Genesis resources.
- Answers Book for Teens – both of my young adults have read the first volume.
- We’ve been blessed to hear Ken Ham, CEO of Answers in Genesis, several times at our local homeschool convention. Hodgepodgedad has also taught a few AiG Bible studies at our church, including Answers Academy Curriculum.
- The series of Answers Books – we have all three volumes in our library for our older children to browse.
- Big Thoughts for Little Thinkers series – for the littlest in our family.
What is your favorite Answers in Genesis resource?
Thank you for this post! I’ve been really trying to decide wether to try again with Apologia’s elementary science, which really didn’t take well at our house, or giving AIG science a shot. I’ve read nothing but great things about AIG’s updated series. I think we will give it a go this year!
Now I love Apologia too! In fact we did biology with our high schoolers this past year and are heading into marine biology. But yes, we all love AiG’s God’s Design for Life series – it works so well with all our ages!!
Thanks for posting about this today. After viewing the Creation Museum and seeing their curriculum up close, I wanted to know more. I just bought a subscription to the Answers magazine and think I might buy the God’s Design series.
Thanks so much!!
Awesome Jennifer!!
I love their science, well, I love all of the products we have. I also love their website – it has great information that is easy to find and my children like their children’s section. But, I do love receiving my Answers magazine! Great post with a lot of resources, Tricia!
Yes, I am so glad you mentioned the AiG website Rebecca! Yes!