When asked what their favorite things about being a mom, most moms would mention things like hugs, kisses, or sweet words from their children. I do love all of those things. However, my favorite things about being a mom may seem a little bizarre on the surface.These are a few of my favorite things about being a mom…
The messes. Sure, the messes are, well, messy, but as I look back on the most fun I have had with my children, a mess is almost always involved. Whether it be playing in the dirt, a fun science project, or making something fun in the kitchen, many of my joyful memories with my children involved a mess.
The interruptions. Many, many, many times a day I hear, “Mommy, Mom, Mommy!” And in those moments I will sigh as I stop what I am doing to see what is so important. Those moments can often seem bothersome. Usually though, once I have made the small effort to view my son’s latest project, the reward is priceless. The joy of seeing them beam over their latest building block tower, guitar song they are learning, or latest artwork creation is awesome! It does not take much effort to build up a child’s self-esteem and the rewards are great.
A merry heart makes a cheerful countenance; but by sorrow of the heart, the spirit is broken.
Proverbs 15:13
The trials. God has taught me so much through my children. How to let go of it and give it up to Him. I have learned that He is in control and He will get me through it, no matter what. He has given me so much more than I could handle on my own and I have learned to trust Him to take care of it. One of the best compliments I ever got was from a PICU nurse. She asked me, “How do you handle it so well?” I told her, “It isn’t me, I can’t, but God can and God is.” At that moment, I knew I had been able, for the first time, ‘to let go and let God’, as the saying goes. He used my child to get through to me.
And those who know Your name will put their trust in You; For you, Lord, have not forsaken those who seek You.
Psalm 9:10
Discipline. As a mom to all boys, I am faced with new and challenging parenting situations almost daily. I find myself seeking God for wisdom and advice on discipline. In learning to discipline my own children, I understand God’s expectations of me. Many of the things we expect from our children are the same things that God expects from us. Many times I have thought to myself, “Oh, now I understand how God feels when we disobey Him!” Many times the things I am disciplining my children for are things I need to improve in my life. I honestly believe I have learned more from my children’s disobedience than they have.
A wise man will hear and increase learning.
Proverbs 1:5(b)
So, bring on the messes, interruptions, trials, and discipline opportunities! I have learned to seek God in all things. What are some of the things you enjoy about being a mom that others may find bizarre?
You are an amazing woman. Worth far more than rubies!!
Thank you! You are so sweet to say so.
My kids have taught me that they matter the most, more than NO messes, more than No stains on clothes, more than getting things right. So it’s grace and patience that I have learned.
Exactly! I wish I would have learned this lesson sooner. As soon as I learned to enjoy those things, parenting got so much more fun and much less stressful!