After trying out wearing ‘homemade’ curlers to bed, Middle Girl declared, ‘I look like James Madison!’
I’ve only recently discovered how easy and fun it is to take phone photos. My children found this out a while ago. Carting my phone off and producing videos of major length and many, many photos of crazy, smiling faces. It’s a whole new way to capture snapshots of the regular days.
And even though I’m playing with instagram, I’m still continuing the habit of sharing a helpful habit on Fridays. Today, can I ask you to add all your ideas for the preschoolers in your lives at Heart of the Matter? I’m always looking for new ideas! We’re answering the question: What about the little ones? Preparing for a New Preschool Year.
Here’s our week in a fun, phone photo gallery! (with a few regular photos thrown in for good measure):
Camera Phone Friday hosted by Dawn @ My Home Sweet Home (Now I’m off to learn how to make a neat collage (though I do like the one above 🙂 )
And in words: Captions in no particular order…hydrangeas – girl-picked and arranged…boys playing boy games on the Wii…bug on the garage door…eldest playing with instagram…fun time with friends at the pool…stacks of pancakes for supper…an experiment with wearing homemade curlers to bed (Middle Girl says, “I look like James Madison!”)…Father’s Day – Hodgepodgedad with the Hodgepodge…the ‘burger and fries’ present…a clean house before friends come over for a Tapestry tea!…daylillies blooming daily…dress up fun with friends…naps…snuggles with favorite stuffed animal…First Day of Summer scavenger hunt – favorite, a butterfly…math manipulatives morning…Nana’s sparklers pastel lesson…and a hydrangea pastels lesson to come!
That’s our weekly wrap with Kris @ Weird, Unsocialized Homeschoolers and learning new ways with photos with a few words!
Isn’t summer time fun? Time to learn new things…
I do love your photo galleries!! I just love all the happiness and beauty.
Looooooooooooovvvvvvvvvvvvvvve the Photos!!! =)
Don’t have a cell phone anymore…and I LOVE my Nikon…but I sure do miss the portability of a little point and shoot!
Better looking like James Madison than Abraham Lincoln!