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Even though chalk pastels are an easy art medium, chalks do raise some questions now and then. You might have a question too. So, on this fifth day of Chalk Pastels 101, I share with you a recap of chalk pastel art frequently asked questions.
*This post contains affiliate links to art supplies we adore. Please see our full disclosure policy. If you click on the links, you won’t pay anything extra but you will help us continue to offer frugal art tutorials. Thanks for that!
Frequently Asked Questions
- Chalk Pastels: What is the difference? Nana explains the difference between soft, hard and chalk pastels. Plus pastel pencils, pan pastels and more!
- What are the type of chalk pastels that Hodgepodge loves?
- How do you store chalk pastels? How do you clean them?
- How do you do art in 5-10 minutes? The answer is super simple.
- How to mix colors? this is for acrylics
- What are the must have supplies for chalk pastel art?
Q: “Are these chalks nontoxic? Where do I find effective chalks that are safe for children, especially young children who tend to stick their hands in their mouth. Plus, I am curious about this since we will be doing this on the kitchen table where we eat. Can you tell that I have no experiences with art? I really have never done any art in my life other than scissors and glue. I am excited about this. In the past, I have enrolled my boys in sketching classes but we’ve never done anything like this before. I think the whole family will love this. Oh, and does this stuff stain carpet, clothes, and so on? Thanks again, Christina”
A: Christina, Good questions! I know that the chalks we use are non-toxic. I’m fairly certain that all children’s art supplies are required to be that way. I think of the chalk pastels we use as glorified sticks of regular chalk. If you look at (my affiliate link) chalk pastels on Amazon, you will see that they list them as non-toxic.
You could look on the side of the package that you are considering purchasing. You can look at a local craft store like Hobby Lobby or Michaels. Also, we wipe our table down with regular wipes after we use the pastels. But you could always use an inexpensive, plastic tablecloth to cover your table if you are concerned.
Yes, chalk pastels are what we call ‘blessedly messy’ – meaning that the colors blend very easily, making it both fun for children and adults alike. We do keep the baby wipes right on the table. We also use smocks (some of dad’s old shirts) or wear something we didn’t mind getting stained. Chalk pastels can stain clothing. Now that we are practiced in this art medium, we don’t wear smocks any more. I just wouldn’t suggest your children wear their Sunday best. And yes, pastels can stain carpet. Our kitchen table is over easy to clean linoleum.
I think that you will find, with practice, that this is so very easy to do and to enjoy. I understand the mother concern of mess. Really I do. (See my article on Art for the Homeschool at HSLDA). But, of course I think seeing the sheer joy on my children’s faces is all worth it! Chalk pastels really opened the door to all kinds of art for the children and me. We saw that we really could do this. And now regularly include all kinds of art in our days. I hope that helps! Tricia
Q: Heidi asked, “Will there be a print version of the chalk pastels ebook? Chalk pastels get on my computer.”
A: There is a fellow homeschooling family, the Southerlands, who printed A Simple Start in Chalk Pastels and bound the copy so they could flip through and follow the tutorials. They have a color laser printer which made it inexpensive to do. But another answer would be to print the couple of pages of the individual lesson before you use it so that it is easy to flip through with chalky hands.
However, you can sit your computer at a slight distance from the chalks and paper, using baby wipes to wipe your fingers before scrolling through the lesson. That’s definitely something we do often!
Q: How can you seal a finished chalk pastel painting so that it does not smudge?
A: Get a cheap aerosol hair spray like
(not pump hair spray) I recommend taking your painting outside to spray. Just a quick, light coating will do to seal it.- How do you plan simple afternoon art projects? Just getting through a school day can be overwhelming. And here I am sharing about art projects? Well, rest assured I entitled this planning post Simple Afternoon Art Projects for practical purposes. Because I know. I know about trying to be a fun mom and wanting to give my children opportunity to enjoy art.
- What are some great gifts for chalk artists?
- My high schooler is already in overload with subjects yet I would love to add in art and nature. How do I do that without stressing him/her out? How to Fit in All the Extras and Survive
- How can I inspire my artists? This art box is the answer!
- How Do I Start Art with Little Ones? Nana answers. “And we do start them young! But… we do not require much of the youngest ones and make it only fun.”
- How do I add in the joy of art? Since adding in the joy of art is one of my passions, I’m here to encourage you that building this habit is not hard.
Five Days of Chalk Pastel 101
(links will be live as each post publishes)
- You ARE an Artist: Chalk Pastel Art 101
- You ARE an Artist: How to Get Started
- You ARE an Artist: Chalk Pastel Supplies
- You ARE an Artist: Chalk Pastels for All Ages
- Chalk Pastel Art Frequently Asked Questions
What questions do you have about chalk pastel art?
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