What would you do with an entire year of Download N Go unit studies by Amanda Bennett? A whole year! Oh how exciting would that be? A year of creative learning stretching out before you and your children! Each study will take one to two weeks to complete, so you truly do have a year’s worth of curriculum.
- There are 34 titles – including the brand new Butterflies 2.0 study! Head over the AmandaBennett.com to see the entire list of titles. The retail value is $293.35!
- You know how much we enjoy these studies and how they enrich and bless our homeschool! I’ve shared about Amanda Bennett studies over and over and how we use them with all our ages here at Hodgepodge.
- **You can find all Amanda Bennett’s titles at her new website, AmandaBennett.com and she also shares so much encouragement plus resources that complement her studies via Facebook, Pinterest and Twitter.
In addition to this fantastic giveaway – guess what? AmandaBennett.com is also having a sale! An entire week of Creativity and Imagination Specials (you know we love that here at Hodgepodge) that you can take advantage of. Be sure to take a look at the AmandaBennett.com specials page to see what you might need for your homeschool. What fun to start the school year off with Pizza Party! And to look forward to afternoons of Crazy Cartoons. Finish off with Crunchy Cookies…
Amanda Bennett Download N Go One Year Set Giveaway!
Just follow the instructions in the rafflecopter widget below to enter to win…
a Rafflecopter giveaway
My kids would love the new butterfly one! Anything to do with insects and nature.
My kids are looking forward to the new Butterflies and Trains unit studies. They’ve enjoyed the Moon, Mexico, and roller coaster studies we’ve done.
We have enjoyed American Government and Photography in the past. I would enjoy using the horse unit study in the future. Thanks
I would love to get the Bountiful Bread study. We really enjoy spending time together in the kitchen.
I am looking forward to the new butterfly unit that is coming out.
What a wonderful giveaway. Thank you. My children would love composers, car racing, butterfly, any and animals units, airplanes too. Too many great units.
I would love to try Abraham Lincoln
Thaks for this great giveaway. We haven’t really tried Unit Studies before. Thinking about nabbing the “Pizza Party” one as a fun way to test drive the process…. 🙂
So exciting!
Having 5 boys, car racing would go over great here! Would also like to try Abe Lincoln.
We’d like to try the Abraham Lincoln study. We love history!
The composer study looks interesting
This would be fantastic to use with my mentally challenged son. He loves Amanda Bennett Materials.
As far as past studies are concerned, our six year old grandson and 12 year old son loved doing the composer study believe it or not! I’m looking forward to using several of the unit studies to help teach our son about the human body. Then again, we’re also going to be studying world geography too! I’ve already picked up several of the unit studies about different countries.
Hard to choose but my boys are really into trains right now — that could be a good one!
My children would love any of her animal studies.
My kids would love the Brain study. We did the Eye study last year and they LOVED it.
Roller Coasters, Pizza, and Robots have all been favorites. We’ve completed dozens of these units.