This pastel of Christ’s crown of thorns is a personal favorite of mine as we enter the Easter season. An Easter Crown of Thorns Chalk Pastel Art Tutorial.
But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed. Isaiah 53:5 NIV
Easter Crown of Thorns Chalk Pastel Art Tutorial
Colors Needed: The pastels that are needed for the crown are a reddish brown, dark brown, black, bright yellow, and a medium purple.
Steps: The crown is “woven” with the same technique that we used in the small bird’s nest pastel video tutorial. The crown is tangled and woven with thorns and placed on a royal purple, gold-edged robe. Turn your paper horizontally.
We will begin by taking our reddish-brown pastel and drawing a flattened oval shape, so that the viewer will be able to see part of the inside of the crown. Next we will “weave” our colors, the dark brown and black, in and out, round and round until we have a crown shape.
Take your black pastel and make some thorns; these are small triangles on the vines. You will be able to see them better if you limit the thorns to the outside areas of the vines. You can “weave” in other colors that might please you…perhaps a touch of orange if you like.
Now we are going to place the crown on a royal robe. This can be done easily by drawing a purple line slightly above the middle of the crown – from edge to edge. Then another line an inch or so below the crown, all the way across the paper. On the bottom of the robe I put a gold edge.
Take your purple and fill in the robe, using your fingertips to smooth out the color.
You have made a wonderful Easter painting that you can share with your family and friends during the season! Be sure to add your name in the corner of the painting, flip it over and name it and date it. Beautiful work!
Video: Easter Crown of Thorns Chalk Pastel Art Tutorial
And remember: You ARE an artist!
Up from the grave He arose, With a mighty triumph o’er His foes. He arose a Victor from the dark domain, And He lives forever with His saints to reign. He arose! He arose! Hallelujah! Christ arose!
Have you seen our Easter cross in chalk pastels? There is a video version that Nana shared on our YouTube channel. Two art lessons in that video and the rainbow Easter cross is the last one.
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So, paint your Easter art and be sure to share with us! Simply tag @chalkpastelart on social media, use the #YouAREanArtist hashtag, or upload a photo to the Facebook page!
- A note on chalk pastels: Pastels are an easy, forgiving medium. Fun for children and adults alike! Details on the pastels and paper we use, how and where to purchase, and links to all of Nana’s other pastel lessons are here: 100+ Free Art Lessons for All Ages plus the video The Very Few Must Have Supplies for Chalk Pastel Art. A simple set is very affordable. Nana also teaches acrylic lessons.
- The practical aspects of a mess: Pastels are blessedly messy. We always have baby wipes close by to wipe hands. We wear something we don’t mind getting stained or don a smock.
Do you and your artists learn best with a video art tutorial? Find our Video Art Lessons at! Three crosses, Crown of thorns, Easter cross, The stone rolled away, Easter lily, Palm branch, Easter eggs, The Lord’s Supper bread and cup and Church stained glass window.
This tutorial is great! Thanks!