Back when we were studying the solar system with Answers in Genesis: Our Universe, I read the Answers Magazine issue on Discovering a Young Universe.
When I finished reading that one, it made me want to find all the other issues of Answers Magazines we have in our house. It’s a good sized stack.
So far I have read and learned more about:
- the universe
- stem cells
- animals of Madagascar
- life in toxic deep sea vents
- dinosaurs in Antartica
- the human body
- all about Darwin and Galapagos Islands
- black holes
- tigers
Snails – like the one we found at Mama Ann’s a couple weeks ago. I found the article in one of the magazines and then online here.
Everything is good about Answers Magazine. I would recommend it to everyone starting in upper elementary age. For the younger children, the Answers for Kids section in each magazine is good. There is also an Answers for Kids section of their website.
I am so glad that you enjoy your Answers Magazine! But, you know….I don’t think that I would like to have a snail crawl on my arm!!