Great Date #2. A part of the big 6 great date experiment.
The topic of date #2 is Cultivate Communication. A series of questions designed to get couples communicating.
Questions like:
• Would you rather be able to fly or move objects?
• Would you rather live in an above-average house with a 20” tube television, or a below-average house filled with the latest electronics?
• Would you rather have one wish granted today or three wishes granted in 10 years?
• If you & I could take a paid sabbatical for an entire year, what would you most like to do?
• Would you rather be way too hot or way too cold?
The questions are designed to get us communicating with each other. We start answering them while we wait for our dinner to be served at a restaurant.
After dinner, we are instructed to select an activity to perform while answering the next series of questions.
We went to the Kennesaw Mountain National Battlefield Park. Interesting choice for a date about communication. When we left the restaurant, we had to adjust the car’s temperature according to the last “Would you rather” question, above. We both chose cold. It was very cold in the car by the time we got there.
After the activity, we were supposed to go to a grocery store and select a dessert from there for our spouse. Since we got dessert at the restaurant, we skipped this step. We’re not supposed to look ahead in the directions, so we didn’t know that we weren’t supposed to get dessert with dinner. Oh well.
Strawberry cake from Gabriels
What did we learn? That we are very like minded. Actually reinforcing what we already knew. Oh, and Hodgepodgemom wants to be like Yoda. She wants to be able to move objects. I want to be like Superman and fly.
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