from the 2010 archives…We spent an entire afternoon Saturday making treats for the birds – and the bird lovers we know. Nana came across a really neat recipe for birdseed wreaths. I was especially excited about it because it is peanut free for our crew.
Just three ingredients! Gelatin, water and birdseed.
We made ten, small, heart-shaped wreaths and two large tube pan wreaths. Place in the molds and refrigerate for a couple of hours.
The simple instructions are by Stephanie Lynn: How to Make a Homemade Birdseed Wreath
Earlier in the day we’d popped in the Your Backyard DVD and watched the bonus feature on how to make a suet feeder (plus we enjoyed the bird video set to Amazing Grace). Remember the mimosa trees I mentioned in my Weeds, Seeds post? And the wheel bugs we saw hatching on the mimosa leaves? Well, one of the backyard mimosas died. Some type of creature got to it. Maybe the wheel bugs. Gnawed on it’s trunk.
Hodgepodgedad made 10 suet feeders from its trunk! The mimosa is cut down and recycled – for the birds.
Great instructions on the Your Backyard DVD.
Then, we made homemade suet from the recipe Bubba posted on his blog, My Backyard. We used Sunbutter and decided we’d roll the suet into balls. I froze them on a cookie sheet and then moved them to a freezer bag. Then we can just pop one in a hole as needed.
Ready to feed the birds during cold weather.
Ready with Christmas gifts for bird lovers!
And, the very next morning, we saw a pair of bluebirds checking out the birdhouse. I know what our next project is!
The only unfortunate part was that the big birdseed wreath we made fell apart when we hung it…
I think the heavier sunflower seeds work best with the smaller wreaths. We’ll have to try the smaller birdseed in the bigger wreaths.
P.S. You can read my review of Your Backyard over on The Curriculum Choice. We’re excited that Crowe’s Nest Media also has a brand new Your Backyard DVD, The Life and Journey of the Amazing Monarch Butterfly. Click here to view the trailer!
Here’s one more fun idea: Bird Feeders with Toilet Paper rolls
We are going to make some bird treats soon and you gave me some great ideas, thanks!
what great ideas ! we have a bald eagle that shows up in our back yard from time to time- wonder what I’d have to hang up to feed him? lol (I can see it now- giant fish hanging in our trees!)
Great ideas here. Since the birdfeeders are kept cold in the Fridge, what happens when you take them out? They melt or stay set? I wonder if we can make these as gifts to mail or if they will melt?
Lia – I cannot speak to mailing these gifts. Only to giving them to family and friends locally. But, if you were to try, I would do the small ones. Those are the least fragile. Plus, since it is much cooler now, you might have a better chance of it. They are fun, fun to make – and give!