Great-grandmother’s hands of love holding generations…
What do your hands say? Counting the gifts of all we can do with our hands…
- hugs, pats
- artwork and pictures made by little hands at church
- handmade Valentines showing lots of love
- love notes written by six-year-old hand
- a weekend of staying warm by the fire
- From Friday night: Knowing two girls are having the best time with friends, driving-around-town date night with my man, back to hear a boy say, “Mama, I’m gonna run as fast as I can!” Tucking in a girl singing, “He’s got the whole world in His hands.”
- Blessed. Indeed, I am.
…We lift our voices, we lift our hands. We lift our lives up to You, We are an offering. Lord use our voices, Lord use our hands. Lord use our lives..
Lovely post…simply lovely.
Great post! Reminded me of one I wrote last week. Thought I would share.
Precious, precious memories that you are making!