If you know me, you know I like lists. The holidays are especially list worthy. Lists of errands, gifts to buy, grocery lists.
Well, what about a list of fun?
I hope my fun list will afford some inspiration. Things to do with the family between Christmas and the new year. A list of intentional fun.
But, the reality of it is we still have to get stuff done. Yes, we are on school break. But there’s a balance in there somewhere.
So I took that wish list a step further. I came up with themes for selected days. Sorta in the spirit of a fun camp time. At home vacation? Are you following? Then I sprinkled in the things we need to do.
Simply an idea list of choices – in the real world not all will be checked off. Also notice not every day is scheduled. No particular order. Fun!
My wish list:
Finish up Christmas gifts day
- homemade gifts
- bake for neighbors
- wrap the last gifts
Create and play day
- make Christmas cookies, prep easy Christmas breakfast
- take our annual nativity photo (children dress up as Mary and Joseph, etc)
- make snowflakes (Kim’s video tutorial), other crafty stuff
- Christmas lapbook
- use pizza gift cards
- get the telescope out in the front driveway and star gaze
- Angie’s handicraft/life skill challenge on Tuesdays @TheOneThing
Fix it day
- Dad and eldest boy work on plan for the soapbox derby car
- Fix the hole in the backyard fence so Lil’ Buddy won’t be so intrigued
- Mom and girls make big batches of yummy stuff to eat and drink
- Put Christmas card photos from friends into a simple album
Technology day
- website maintenance
- video and record children singing Christmas songs, littlest one saying words
- sync music libraries
- update address books
- back up and store digital photos
Don’t break the budget day
- open savings accounts for youngest children
- gather items to give away
- share the year’s budget with the children
- give a refresher on service opportunity categories
- reduce cell plan (since Dad’s work now provides him with one)
Game day– maybe New year’s eve!
- Board games (our favorites)
- learn a new card game
- appetizers for supper
Reading ’round the fire day
- head to the library and pile up on books
- read some favorites all together
- look through old scrapbooks and albums
Movie day
- scroll through and select from new and free VOD choices
- watch old family movies
- Veggie Tales, Narnia, etc. marathon
Goal setting day
- get back into a regular routine start time and bedtime
- Get used to schedule again without adding school work back in yet
- Refresher on quiet time, jurisdictions, room time
- Pep talk from the principal
Spontaneous day – maybe a local daddy destination to use ice cream shop gift cards
Pick one that appeals to you and have fun.
Merry Christmas!
God rest ye merry gentlemen let nothing you dismay–
Remember Christ, the Savior, was born on Christmas Day…
What fun activities are you doing with your family this Christmas?
I’m keeping a continual list on Hodgepodge. A list of thankfulness and gratitude. Counting up to 1,000 gifts by the end of 2009.
I love lists… and what a creative way to cover all the bases! I especially love the idea of getting back into the schedule before schoolwork starts. Great ideas!
Wow, I love it!! Your list also reminded me of some things that need to be done around here =) Thanks so much!!!
Whoo-hoo! I want to be a part of YOUR family! You all are so dear – thanks for the wonderful inspiration!