An example of what a simple homeschool week looks like with multiple ages. Nothing spectacular and just pretty simple and basic.
Friends it has truly been a hodgepodge these last two weeks. We are learning a variety of things in a variety of ways. But I believe that the overall theme of our learning has been keep on keeping on. Nothing spectacular and just pretty simple and basic.

What a Simple Homeschool Week Looks Like: Keep on Keeping On
On the trail again…(a lovely Saturday afternoon stroll on the Silver Comet Trail)
So, something like this…
- Didn’t quite finish what we were supposed to? Keep on keeping on the next day.
- Ahead in Geometry? (yes – a child of mine! Happy dance!) Keep on keeping on!
- Making progress in sight words? Keep on keeping on.
- Getting a later start for one reason or another? Keep on keeping on.
What have been the blessings this homeschool week?
Third grader making a point of working with little brother on reading, and…
Truly taking a Sabbath and resting.
1. Rainy Sunday afternoons are for naps and good books. | 2. “Never is a woman so fulfilled as when she chooses to underwhelm her schedule so she can let God overwhelm her soul.” – Lysa Terkeurst, The Best Yes | 3. The winter wind is howling outside (we know because Lil’ Buddy had to get a bike ride in!) and we’ve decided she likes The Glass Menagerie | 4. This homeschool moment brought to you by first and 10th graders. (McGuffey Ready App).
Spiritual growth for the older ones with Disciple Now weekend and the blessings of family time.
1. So grateful for a church family that invests so much in the lives of our students! (And thankful to have my Disciple Now girls home!) Many thanks to all who gave time this past weekend. Praising Him!| 2. Attention! I have THE best brother ever! (And he has a birthday this week!) | 3. This homeschool moment brought to you by 11th grader and 3rd grader. | 4. May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him…
Beautiful weather – like spring! – before winter returned.
1. Ah, pretty little irises of April, beware. Though it is a beautiful 61 degrees today, tomorrow winter returns. | 2. Bike riding! | 3. The rain stopped and it was warm enough for a backyard swing! (Not pictured, sisters making mud pies.) | 4. It’s an ENO sort of afternoon.
A Hodgepodge of homeschool learning.
1. When big sister is practicing piano, Teaching Textbooks can still happen – with handy headphones! Or anytime there is lots going on in the room or the whooshing sounds of toy trains. Which is, um, often! | 2. Thanks to Dover Publications we are going to have a super human body science unit study with all our ages! | 3. Learn Math Fast for a back to basics, refresher type learning. It is always, always good to learn a concept in a different way. | 4. Apologia World afternoon science with our notebooking journals and popcorn. Just finished up the Land Animals section on primates with my elementary crowd and we sure learned a lot about the variety God made!
Time for building, building, building. 1. So, how many construction vehicles currently reside in your kitchen? | 2. I’m not the only one thinking of the beach. Building sandcastles by Littlest Girl. | 3. Resident snap circuit whiz | 4. So many LEGO stories.
Recent Hodgepodge
- 5 Ways to Weave Hymns into Your Days
- Pan Pastels: How to Draw a Beach and Sky
- What We Love About Compass Classroom
So did you have a simple homeschool week? Are YOU ready for spring??
-first published February 2015
Keep on keeping on is a great tagline. Also, we’ve found that there are times when we just need a break – so I give it to us. It’s been working well doing it that way. I’m visiting from Weekly Wrap Up.
I agree Nita! It is always good to take a break too – our youngest ran around the downstairs several times during his math lesson today. And we went to the grocery store right after lunch then came back and enjoyed a Valentine art and music afternoon. Yes!
Hi Tricia,
I always love your posts, both here and on instagram. I have a question for you. How do find these neat little ways to flesh out your days like the McGuffey app and the Dover unit study? Are these things you find during your yearly planning over the summer and then use when yall need a change of pace, or are you just always on the lookout? I find that if I am always on the lookout, I end up going in a million differen direcions because I want to try everything!!
Kellye – it is honestly a hodgepodge! We have our basic schedule of subjects. That McGuffey app is one we have had for a couple of years and it great for consistent phonics work. He will usually do that a few times a week after he is finished up with seat work. So that is a habit. But the Dover unit study is one we have been wanting to do. One of the children said, “I want to learn more about the human body.” And since it has been a while since we have – I thought, why not? So, I guess my answer would be that we have our basic habits/subjects. And then we have moments of interest led study as well. If that helps at all?
I love your Keep on Keeping on motto! That’s a good one for us at the moment as we are in the middle of an international move. Also, this is the first time I’ve seen someone else use the Learn Math Fast System. We love it in our home.
Learn Math Fast has been such a blessing! Blessings on your international move – and thanks for stopping by Camie.
Oh I’m not familiar with Dover Publications – thanks going to check them out !! I love you wrote, Spring before winter returned – seriously got cold in central FL!
Don’t forget that discount code for Dover Publications – huge variety of resources! Yes, we are bundling up – up here in Georgia. BURR.
Yes, keeping on keeping on. That’s our focus right now. Finding the small victories and keeping on. Thanks for the recommendations above. A few are new to me. I’ll put them on the list.