~Don’t miss the giveaway at the end!~
I’ve shared before about the books that have shaped my heart for homeschooling. Oh how I wish I’d had Marcia Somerville’s Love the Journey- Homeschooling: Principles to Practices when I started my journey. But I am very thankful I’ve had it at the top of my stack of books on my coffee table these first weeks of summer!
Love the Journey is written to both new homeschoolers and veterans alike. As a veteran homeschooler I have so very much appreciated Marcia’s wisdom. And reading this book right here in the month of June has been perfect timing. I highly recommend you getting your own copy and reading it right now too! My homeschooling and mama heart has been blessed right here while wrapping up a school year and starting in to planning another. This is a book to reference – read once and then pull out again for a boost.
I received a copy of Love the Journey in exchange for an honest review. So now I get to tell you how much I love it! All opinions expressed are my own. Please see our disclosure policy. (Plus, don’t miss my review of the new Tapestry of Grace Primer at The Curriculum Choice today!)
As I was reading Love the Journey I was scribbling, making notes, writing and answering questions. Because this book is not only about learning the principles of homeschooling. It is a way of honing your homeschool purpose, making a family mission statement and being purposeful in your journey. There are questions for you to answer in writing, lists to make. It is practical and purposeful!
- Explore your goals as a homeschooler (surely helps me redefine and hone my goals!)
- Develop a path for homeschooling
- Soak up seasoned and practical advice for the day to day raising and teaching of children
- Learn about all that homeschool language – common terms defined
- Face your homeschool fears – Love the Journey assures you that you are the expert teacher
And it is not just for Tapestry of Grace users. This book is written to all homeschooling parents.
Love the Journey Contents
Section 1: Your Homeschool is YOUR Homeschool!
- 1. Why Do YOU Homeschool?
- 2. Do You Have a Guiding Star?
- 3. Clarifying the Ends We Have in Mind
- 4. Developing Your Pedagogy
Section 2: Mountaintop Views
- 5. You Share Who You Are
- 6. Keep Your Heart
- 7. Cross-Eyed Parenting
- 8. Training in Liberty
- 9. More Isn’t Always Better
- 10. Who Are Your Best Friends?
Section 3: When You Sit At Home
- 11. The Husband Suitable for You
- 12. Keeping a Quiet Home
- 13. Schedules and Structure
- 14. A Time to Plan
- 15. Looking Far (Why We Don’t Need Classrooms)
- 16. What to do with Preschoolers?
- 17. Face Time
- 18. Managing Chores
- 19. Questions, Categories, and Consequences
Section 4: As You Walk Along the Way
- 20. Gender Differences
- 21. Why Modalities Matter
- 22. Lesson Planning with Modalities in Mind
- 23. Tell Me the Story Again!
- 24. Useful Categories to Know When Considering Curricula
- 25. When Trudging is Called For
- 26. Choices, Choices
- 27. What About Memory Work?
- 28. Why Do Crafts?
Section 5: When You Lie Down & When You Rise Up
- 29. It’s About Commitment
- 30. Love is Patient
- 31. Love is Kind
- 32. Love Does Not Envy
- 33. Cultivating an Attitude of Gratitude
Love the Journey Free Samples
Download free Love the Journey chapters to preview
Where Can You Get a Copy of Love the Journey?
Love the Journey is both a stand alone book and a vital part of the new Tapestry Primer curriculum for kindergarten and first grade. You can order your copy of Love the Journey from Lampstand Press in paperback, digital download (using LockLizard), and a print/digital combination pack.
I invite you to read my full review of Tapestry Primer at The Curriculum Choice.
In Summary
Love the Journey is a book now at the top of my Shape Your Heart for Homeschooling stack. One I will return to again and again in the summers in between school years. When I need some encouragement from a mentor. When I need to be reminded of my goals and purpose.
I encourage you, fellow homeschool mamas, to shape your heart for homeschooling with wonderfully encouraging books like Love the Journey. I am a big advocate for continuing education for mom. As a teacher, as a parent. And this book speaks to both roles.
When you have your own copy, I bet yours will be as dog-eared and bookmarked as mine!
Discount Code for Hodgepodge Readers!
Use code LTJ14HP for 25% off your purchase of Love the Journey – either hard copy or digital version through June 30, 2014.
Now for the Givewaway!
Tapestry of Grace is offering one (1) copy of Love the Journey by Marcia Somerville to one blessed Hodgepodge reader. And if you do not win this copy – be sure to get your copy with the discount code above by June 30th! Simply follow the instructions in the rafflecopter widget below…
Is it possible to love the journey? Absolutely.
I look at the length of the course that I am interested in taking and what it is that I plan on learning from the course. Then I schedule my study time during their study time to set the example of what you should do to learn your material; however, I keep in mind and share that we all have different learning styles and we need to use what works best for us based on those learning styles.
We have used Tapestry for several years. I think what I like best is that it grows life-long learners and fosters a love for reading. Also, it made my boys avid history buffs! It’s a solid program with many benefits.
We’re going to begin our Tapestry journey this coming school year but what I have seen of it looks so good that I can hardly wait to get started! Thanks for this opportunity to win this book, it looks to be amazing 🙂
I really wish I could convince my young homeschooling mama friends to take the time to read this book. They NEED it. Thanks for the review!
You are right – they ABSOLUTELY do Barb! And I think it is so smart for this to be part of the Tapestry Primer package. All developed to fulfill that need. Great for new and seasoned homeschoolers alike!
I was so excited to see a review for this book! I LOVE TOG but I have yet to actually purchase it, it’s one of those situations where I know I NEED it but I couldn’t justify the cost-so I totally exhausted myself this past year trying to replicate it. Yes, I’m buying it this year. NOT going to do that to myself, again! 😛
I have heard great things about TOG. Exciting to see something for the primary grades!
This looks wonderfully encouraging!!! I would love to win a copy!
I love the advice I gleaned from Marilyn Howshall. In a nutshell, she says that moms need to continue their education by getting to know Him more. This involves word studies. Whatever word or theme the Lord impresses on your heart in a given season or time. All it takes is your Bible, a Noah Webster 1828 Dictionary, a Concordance, and perhaps a Bible Dictionary, plus a notebook or journal to write what you find. She posts more information about this at http://www.lifestyleoflearning.com
Oh I love that Shannon! I’ve seen some wonderful things from Marilyn Howshall. Thanks for sharing!
So I am just starting out on my homeschool journey and truly am planning in advance-we have another year before we are officially starting kindergarten, this year is a gentle introduction for our family! So I haven’t actually started anything but am so excited about everything I’m reading about Tapestry and feel so lucky to be starting out when such an awesome resource (especially now that they have the primer!) is available!!! I’m excited!
Oh you are so smart to take a gentle introduction approach and study ahead a full year. And yes, these resources are such a blessing! Happy homeschooling!
I have been homeschooling a. long. time. (Jan ’91). I finally realized that for me it is imperative to re-check and reboot as necessary my framework, basically from the ground up, on a yearly basis; a longer time interval leads to a certain amount of wilderness wandering. So thankful to have this book to add to my stack of “summer must-reads.”
Where is this book available for purchase?
Hi Kristin – I have a link in the section ‘Where Can You Get A Copy of Love the Journey?’Here is a direct link: http://www.lampstandbookshelf.com/ZC/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=98_136&products_id=698&zenid=qcerstjtin1tee8s44nma3nbi7
I have always loved tapestry of grace. The write some amazing stuff.
This is my fourth year of homeschooling and my fourth year of using Tapestry of Grace. I would love to read this new book. I hadn’t paid much attention to its release in the emails, but your review definitely piqued my interest; thank you!
When my kids are working independently or having quiet reading time, that’s my time to read a homeschooling book or browse websites/blogs for new ideas.
This sounds like a great book. I could certainly use some encouragement and a fresh dose of “Why am I doing this again?”
Read at all available times, use audiobooks, and even 5 pages is better than none!
I am a brand new homeschool mom, my oldest is starting kindergarten. I want to use ToG in a couple of years and I am excited about Primer, even though we won’t be using it this year… Being a newbie, I don’t know that I have any grand advice for others, except to gather veterans around yourself who can encourage you in the journey 🙂