Backyard zinnia greets me Saturday at sunset.
So teach us to number our days, so that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom. Psalm 90:12
2413. On Mother’s Day morning I sit with my cup of coffee and I smile. I. Am Blessed. I think through the whirlwind of the last week. I’m glad to be still with my coffee. I’m so grateful for a husband who rearranges his work schedule, who takes care of our Hodgepodge. A Nana who comes, ready with projects. All blessings I count, plus…
2414. The privilege of encouraging homeschool families on a journey they’ve been called for. Seeing the relief in a mother’s eyes. The gratitude. The laughter. The excitement over a map!
2415. New Tapestry of Grace mothers I had the privilege of getting to know better and spend three days in a convention booth with.
The phone photos capture the blur of the weekend.
2416. How blessed we homeschoolers are to have so many teaching resources at our fingertips, to hug the necks of mentors, to shake the hand of a Godly man on His mission.
2417. Eye-opening insights from keynote speakers. A marriage challenge from Voddie Baucham. (Hoping to have a chance to share all I learned sometime this week.)
2418. Meeting Rebecca (above) and Alicia in person. Two local, Twitter, homeschool buddies. Getting to talk to each other with real words! I’m still smiling about knowing the ladies behind the encouraging tweets and posts!
2419. The excitement I saw in my two oldest children’s eyes when they saw the sheer number of homeschoolers at the convention center.
2420. A hug from a homeschool mentor. The passion Vicki has for encouraging homeschool mothers in practical ways. We are partners of practical!
2421. Getting to see the homeschool graduates we know all lined up in cap and gown! The pride I felt for my fellow homeschool parents.
2422. Carpets cleaned by Hodgepodgedad at home while I stood in a Tapestry booth. It’s so clean!
2423. Hand print Happy Mother’s Day greetings when I walk in the door beyond tired.
2424. Roses picked by middle girl, safety pins found. A rose pinned on me for church. A Mother’s Day card she picked out too!
2425. Hearing stories of the tornado devastation in Sunday school. Amazing stories of safety through the storm. Provision. The story of birds singing on telephone poles the next day – singing His praises after the storm.
2426. A red carnation handed to me at five-year-old’s Sunday school door.
2427. Happy Mother’s Day bouquet in construction paper – pieced together proudly by Lil’ Buddy.
2428. Salt and pepper shakers bought by my two eldest children – at the homeschool conference – while I was talking to families. A practical gift!
2429. Soaps bought too. From the booth right next to mine. How did they pull that off?
2430. Sunday lunch with Nana, my brother, sister-in-law and nephew. Sides and dessert prepared while I was away the day before. Pink lime-aid pie! A nap afterwards – slept so hard I dreamed it was March.
2431. Talking to Grandma late Mother’s Day afternoon. Knowing she was celebrating with family out west.
2432. A new knock out rose bush for the yard. A front yard full of motherhood roses.
2433. And finally, reminiscing at how quickly the Mother’s Days pass…
Keeping the habit of one photo of me with my children each month. This one from my youngest’s baby days. Not so long ago. (Read about this habit – taking photos of yourself – double chins and all – with your children – and Aleida’s Challenge here. With many thanks to my sweet friend, Phyllis for sharing about the habit at All Things Beautiful.)
There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle. ~ Richard Crashaw
Sounds like you had a busy, yet memorable weekend! You are so very blessed!
What a wonderful Mother’s Day you had! Thank you for the kind mention. I love the photo. It is so sweet.
It WAS a great and wonderful day for us mothers!!