“I’m sad my baptism is over,” she says as she comes in from the backyard.
“Oh sweet girl,” I answer. “It was a day you will always remember. But guess what? You have so much to look forward to. This is only the beginning. You will always be growing as a Christian and learning more about God. I’m still learning too.”
Restore to me the joy of your salvation
and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me. Psalm 51:12
She smiles and heads back outside. I think back on those words our pastor shared with her right before her baptism that morning. He explained that one day, when she is much older, a thought might come into her mind. She might question whether she really knew what she was doing. He said that that thought wouldn’t come from God but from the enemy. He reminded her that her heart always belonged to Jesus now. A brand new heart. Also, that baptism alone does not save you. It is simply an outward expression of her new life in Christ. A symbol. A picture for all to see.
I see her swinging with her little brother and I count and count and count the gifts of salvation. The joy!
- She will always remember becoming a Christian, being baptized right around her 7th birthday.
- She is forever His!
- She is one always firm in her beliefs – He must have a special plan
The “I’m a Christian Now” class she is attending and all she is continuing to learn
- Never one to hold back her feelings – likes or dislikes
- Lover of math
- Curious nature student
- Would live on ice cream and Sunbutter
Dear girl, you were so certain that you were a Christian at age four that we held an angel party. But that Friday afternoon, just a few short weeks ago, you asked Jesus into your heart.
You who baptized Jeffrey the giraffe – along with his household of fellow stuffed animals – after watching big sister’s baptism three years ago...
…Several stuffed animals were gathered around. I heard her ask the giraffe, “what is your confession?” She then said, “I baptize you my son, Jeffrey, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit!”
The giraffe was baptized under the red stool. The stool had been carefully placed atop the family cooler. A zebra was next. They came from upstairs and they came from the toy box. Everyone present was converted and baptized! It was a rousing a.m. service.
The Lord has great plans for you. Of this I’m certain.
Just as certain as you declared publicly in that baptismal pool, “Jesus is Lord.”
Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” Matthew 19:14
And it’s all because of his great love.
“Salvation comes not through our willpower, but through God’s will and power.” ~ Trevin Wax
Our children hold regular baptisms during playtime as well. I treasure those times. Two down, four to go for us. 🙂
So wonderful to hear them ‘playing’ baptism, isn’t it? Rejoicing with you Sam!
Oh, the things that she will do, the things that she will accomplish in her life! What a precious, innocent and glorious time for her! So very close to the angels……….
Very beautiful. I remember the first time I wanted to be baptized was when I was 6. I didn’t get baptized until I was 23 though, though that was better timing for my life. I am always touched to see when children are growing more deeply in the Lord and understand that transformation in their lives that they make such a decision to be baptized. This is beautiful news.
Thank you Victoria! It has been a wonderful privilege to watch and be a part of.