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There is a picture of a lighthouse on my computer and every time I look at it I get this feeling of peace and security all over me. Bob and I like to find lighthouses when we go to the coast. We have climbed a couple of them, although our knees don’t hold out for very long anymore. Looking at this picture earlier, got me thinking about an old, old gospel song called “The Lighthouse.” It was written by Ronnie Hinson and kind of sums up the story of what Jesus does for us. Here are the words.
“There’s a lighthouse on the hillside that overlooks life’s sea. When I’m tossed it sends out a light, tis a light that I might see. And the light that shines in darkness now will safely lead us o’er. If it wasn’t for the lighthouse, My ship would be no more. And I thank God for the lighthouse, I owe my life to Him. For Jesus is the lighthouse and from the rocks of sin; He has shone a light around me that I could clearly see. If it wasn’t for the lighthouse tell me where would this ship be?”
John 3:16 is the plan of salvation, wrapped up in one verse. “For God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” Jesus is the “Light” that shines in our darkness. He wants to illuminate our lives and steer us away from the things that would try to wreck us. When we are in the middle of a storm, we can look to Jesus, our Lighthouse, and He will brighten our path and show us the way out. He gives out a warning when we are heading into sin or when we are drifting in our relationship to Him. And the wonderful thing is, His light never goes out! Sometimes our vision becomes blurry and unclear, but if we keep our eyes fixed on Him, He will bring everything into focus again.
Another name for Jesus is “the Word,” and in Psalm 119:105, we are told, “Your Word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.” Jesus doesn’t run out of oil and his batteries never go dead. Georgia Power can‘t cut Him off, because Jesus is the source of all power. He is the source of everything. I Love this song too: Jesus you’re all I need, you’re all I need. Lord you gave your life that I might live. You are all I need.” He is, and always will be, all we will ever need! If the darkness of sin, sickness, poverty, despair, depression, loneliness, hurt, bitterness, addiction, abandonment, abuse or any other work of the enemy is trying to overcome you, just look to the “Lighthouse.” Jesus will be there, shining brightly, lighting the way to the safe harbor of His presence. I thank God for the “Lighthouse; I owe my life to Him. For Jesus is the lighthouse and fro the rocks of sin; He has shone a light around me that I could clearly see. If it wasn’t for the “Lighthouse,” where would this ship be? I know where I would be; I’d be a WRECK! How about you?
~ Written by Beth, “My husband of 46 years and I recently retired from full time ministry and we are looking forward to discovering what God has in store for the next part of our journey. I am a very proud mother and grandmother and I love to encourage others through the word and my life experiences. My life verse is Psalm 118:24 – This is the day that the Lord has made; I choose to rejoice and be glad in it.”
Where is this lighthouse? It looks like the one on St. George Island, Florida. The Lighthouse is my mom’s favorite song, by the way. Whenever she visits our church (I’m a church pianist), I play it for her. 🙂
It is the one on St. George Island! 🙂