Toontastic is a fun app from Launchpad Toys where you can create your own cartoon. My brothers and sisters and I have had so much fun making cartoons with our own voices and creating stories.
WARNING! Toontastic is a free app but it requires in-app purchases. There are $0.99 purchases you can make OR you can get the all access pass for $9.99 (we got the all access pass with an iTunes gift card at Christmas) They have a new update! (I didn’t take pictures of the update because I haven’t updated it yet).
This is a great app and I recommend it for all families. 🙂 You can find out more on the Toontastic site and download the free version in the iTunes app store.
P.S. you might be interested in all of my Dad’s iPad app reviews too!
Middle Girl:
I think that you are one smart cookie!
Hey Middle Girl – thanks for the great review of our app! We’re so happy to hear you’re enjoying it and we’d love to see what you’ve made on ToonTube – send us a link to!