We welcome Amy Waters to our group of authors here at Habits for a Happy Home. You may remember her from when she shared her wonderful gift idea using the Jesse Tree Advent. We look forward to her sharing with us each month now…
What are you hungering and thirsting for?
Have you ever made an idol out of something good? I know that I have. Healthy eating was my idol and an area I can easily fall back into. I used to collect books about health and food and recipes and spend hours reading them or on the internet trying to find the secret to ultimate health. But God has been gracious and stuck with me and drawn me back to Him. He has shown me the well of the Water of Life (in prayer) and the Bread of His Presence (His word).
I am reminded of the story of the Exodus. As the people were leaving they were showered with gifts of gold and silver, and articles of clothing. [ Exodus 12:35-36] Yet, in the end they used many of these items in the making of the golden calf. [Exodus 32:1-14] The people were bored with waiting on Moses and God and used his blessing to make an idol.
In times when I have gotten tired of praying and reading God’s word I have entertained myself in other ways. Healthy eating and all that entails are one of my areas of weakness. It drew me away from my family and my God and made somewhat of a fanatic of me. My husband hated taking me out to eat or to the grocery store. I was always reading those labels and asking what was in a recipe.
God has shown me my error and now I am not the terror of the dinner table. We enjoy eating out and, yes, there are things I avoid. But, only the things I know will really cause me immediate physical distress. So, while I avoid wheat, I also don’t feel the need to beat people over the head trying to convince them they should avoid it.
And so you say, “ Why is there a healthy recipe here after all this talk?” Well, because it is one of my favorites. It’s easy and children can help make it and it is good for you. And so I humbly offer up to you:
Lacto-fermented Sauerkraut
Lacto-fermented Sauerkraut Recipe
You will need:
- 1 Qt sized canning jar with lid
- 1TBSP salt
- 1 medium cabbage
- 1 TBSP carraway seed
- 4 TBSP liquid whey, just drain some plain yogurt through a fine mesh strainer and the liquid you get is whey.
Cut the cabbage head in quarters and then slice as thin as you can. Place in a large bowl with the salt, carraway seeds and whey. Use a meat mallet or anything blunt to pound the cabbage until it is juicy. I take a break and clean up or let small energetic folks who wander through the kitchen have a turn. Then transfer to the canning jar, tamping down as you go. Fill to about 1 inch below neck of jar. If juice is not completely covering the kraut then add some water. Put the lid on and leave some where warmish (70 degrees) for 3-6 days. Usually it will start to bubble and rise about day three and the then taper off by day six. Then put in the refrigerator for a few days before eating. Store in the refrigerator. I use sauerkraut as a condiment. It’s fun in place of pickles or other sour elements.
You can add other things to your kraut like: and onion, juniper berries, garlic, apple, seaweed and you can use purple cabbage.
There are many other foods that can be fermented. Fermenting is a pre-canning era way of preserving foods and increases the probiotics in the food. So, yes, its really healthy and I hope you enjoy it.
I was a hopeless waste that The King rescued and restored. I know I came late to you Lord and I am ever grateful for your everlasting love and patience. Married at 33 to my dear hubby Kenneth. We lived through six years of childlessness and all that that entails. Christmas 2000 I gave my heart to my King and he miraculously healed me and I became pregnant. Now I am a stay at home, homeschooling mama to the evidence of Jesus’ incredible mercy! I love to sew and cook. I love the great outdoors. I love my church and my homeschool group. And my kitchen is frequently overtaken with costumes for our drama troupe. It currently looks like a wedding boutique! Finally saved! ~by Amy Waters
Love this Amy! “But God has been gracious and stuck with me and drawn me back to Him. He has shown me the well of the Water of Life (in prayer) and the Bread of His Presence (His word).” Amen!
This post spoke to me in so many ways …thank you for your honesty and the fact that it is God who rescues us from our idols. Let the redeemed of the Lord say so!
Great reminder, Amy! I know that I often fall into dieting like that. I will spend many hours and much effort trying to learn how to lose weight when I know all it takes is me leaning on Him for self-control and knowledge.
Thanks for sharing your heart, Amy. I am reminded to search my life for my own idols.