from the 2009 archives, written by eldest girl when she was 11-years-old.
I’ll tell you what preschoolers like to do:
Something shocking.
You’re lucky if you’re preschooler doesn’t do these things 3-yr-old did… called 911, came inside a complete mess after a day outside (see On a sunny monday) and more.
So here are some really good preschooler tips I used on 3-yr-old:
- Find a few everyday supplies around the house, such as paper cups, string, scissors, paper clips, etc. Tell your preschooler to build a house out of them. This should keep him/her busy for at least ten minutes. It doesn’t have to be an exact replica of a house, just an imaginative creation.
- Fill up the sink. Find the bath toys and put them in. Bring the eager preschooler in. Tell her to find the rubber ducky, for example. Keep going until the sink has no more bath toys. An alternate idea is to fill the sink with bubbles and let your preschooler make bubble sculptures. This sounds like disaster waiting to strike to me. But go ahead, just supervise.
- If your preschooler has an imaginary friend, ask him/her to draw them. This will bring laughter and much hard work for about five minutes. Oh well, at least it takes up some time.
- Write or type a book, and leave a lot of blank spaces. Ask your preschooler to add pictures in the blank spaces. Then read the book to them.
- Take them outside. Go on a “nature hike” and collect flowers, leaves, rocks, sticks, whatever! Then come back inside, scatter it all on the table (or get them a bag if you don’t want a mess) and go find glue or tape, paper, and whatever craft supply you have. My suggestions are glitter (add this for them!), stickers and pipe cleaners. Then have your preschooler pick something, then make a collage of it. It can be something around the house, something out of your preschooler’s imagination, anything!
- Help your preschooler call a grandparent. It sounds simple, and it is, but it can bring the grandparents and the child so much joy 🙂
Next up, the Preschooler’s Shopping List.
Cute! Great ideas for older siblings AND babysitters!