When it comes to the holidays, I prefer simple and practical. So today I’ve gathered the same for you. I hope you find encouragement as well as something that will bless your home this time of year with 10 practical Christmas habits…
1. Christmas Budget Dwindling? by Trisha. Salt dough ornaments, a room redo, dress up clothes and more frugal gift-giving ideas.
2. Planning and Goal Setting for the Holidays – what about starting now with just one thing a day in preparation for Christmas?
3. Three Gifts for Christmas – the simple guideline. Three gifts for each of our children just as the wise men brought three gifts to Jesus.
4. Holidays and Breaking the Rules – send Thanksgiving cards, give teacher gifts in November and more habits to break the rules and calm December flurry.
5. Christmas Resources – from littlesanctuary “some resources we have used or come across over the years that have helped us as a family focus on the true meaning of season.”
6. Christmas…how we celebrate – Angie builds such beautiful memories each year in simple ways.
7. Fun, Frugal, Easy Gift Ideas Plus Tips – those meaningful, practical gifts we’ve given in years past.
I normally use a traditional trifle dish, but this one was going to an office function where there was limited refrigerator space.
8. Kerri’s Brownie Triffle – the beautiful and delicious go-to holiday recipe for all gatherings!
9. Give a Little Love – Light ‘Em Up – Last year Kendra’s family ministered with simple acts of kindness. I love her take on this. “The idea is to do one random act of kindness each day until Christmas. If you have an advent calendar that you use already, you can tuck one of these ideas in there for each day (that’s what we did).”
10. I’m Bored – Christmas Edition – hard to believe but most of us will hear these words from our children. So you’re prepared.
- Plus our Holiday Habits Pinterest Board is full of simple and practical ideas.
- I’ve gathered more Christmas from the Hodgepodge archives.
How about you. What are your favorite Christmas habits? Do you have tips to share for planning? Click here to comment…
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