We have a new resource we are thoroughly enjoying in our homeschool! Of course, we have loved all the resources from Answers in Genesis for many years. But now we are loving History Revealed too. You can also enter to win a History Revealed volume of your choice! Let me tell you, this curriculum speaks to learning styles and there is something for every one of your learners.
Won’t you stop by over at The Curriculum Choice and find out more about it?
You mentioned in your review on Curriculum Choice that you will continue to use both. Would you be willing to share more detail about how you are incorporating this curriculum and using Tapestry at the same time. I don’t understand how the 4 phases would work.
Thank you so much!
Hi Krystal – someone else asked the same question over at The Curriculum Choice. I seems another post is in order! Basically the era of time covered by History Revealed: World Empires, World Missions and World Wars is roughly the same as years 3 and 4 of Tapestry of Grace (with some overlap). I have simply incorporated the History Revealed as a wonderful expansion of what we were already doing. We scanned the topics and used History Revealed as our main text, listening to the audio CDs in the car on the go or in the family room after lunch.
I remember hearing Story of the World author Susan Wise Bauer speak early in my homeschooling years. (We began homeschooling history with SOTW). She said that it was always a good idea to use more than one resource whenever you can. She was speaking about math when she said that. But I have taken it to heart in our homeschooling for many of our subjects. We should always be learners, seekers and researchers. History Revealed has opened our eyes to even more in our studies of the late 1700s and 1800s. We had studied this time period when the children were younger and now we are cycling back around. It is such a blessing to have been introduced to History Revealed just when we were learning about William Wilberforce and many other great Christians of the time.
We simply choose week to week what is best for us. And I do hope to share a post with more detail soon. I hope this helps some!