I love the warmer days of spring that melt into the hot days of summer. When I walk my Chihuahua in the morning quiet of my backyard (after the school buses have run and the noisy neighbors have retreated to the confines of their homes), I enjoy the blooming snowball bush that was my mother’s and all of the other beautiful flowers in the yard and green leaves on the trees.
When I stand out in the quiet, I notice it’s not so quiet after all.
The birds chirp and whistle and tweet and sing beautiful (almost deafening) melodies as they compete for God’s ear. One sounds like a cat and another sounds like a cell phone. (I really do call that one the cell phone bird). The squirrels chatter and bugs make all kinds of humming noises. Makes me want to stay outside forever—until it gets hot, at least.
But what about the kinds of creatures that don’t chirp and hum? What about the ones that hiss and growl? Now I must admit I am fascinated with aligators and I love to watch the show Swamp People. But I would not really want to be face to face with a gator.
One morning this spring, I saw a bird flying away with a snake.
(No, it wasn’t a Cobra.) But the chills ran down my spine just the same at the sight of that. And then I thanked the bird for carrying off that slithering creature. He was not welcome in my yard. I didn’t want to go back outside for the rest of the day.
Walking my neighborhood or just the simple act of getting the mail can be challenging sometimes because of the loose dogs that run around. All I have to hear is one itty bitty beginning of a growl and I’m straight for the door and into the safety of my house. The last thing I want is to be on the 6:00 pm news in my stretchy pants with no makeup on because I got mauled by a pit bull.
Have you noticed that in nature—for the most part—the things that chirp and peep and make light humming noises are usually harmless? And the things that hiss and growl and buzz loudly are not so harmless. Some things only make those noises because they feel defensive but most of them could tear you up, eat you to pieces, or scratch your eyes out if the mood struck. Many of them, like my snake enemy, very well could end your life.
So are you a chirper/peeper or a hisser/growler?
I’ll confess, in the morning, I’m usually a growler. I have been known to hiss at people before I’ve had my coffee. But I am trying to get into the habit of being a chirper/peeper all day…even in the mornings. I don’t want to gain the reputation for being the kind of person that could cause your fur to fly.
Psalm 100:1-2 says: Make a joyful noise unto the Lord, all ye lands. Serve the Lord with gladness: come before his presence with singing.
I think that’s a good habit to get into especially this time of year. If we practice chirping and peeping and spreading joy to all of those around us, maybe by daylight savings time when we start having shorter days and lose some of our beloved sunshine, we’ll be new creatures!
On the news in your stretchy pants. Love you!! And I love this. Thank you for the encouragement.
Haha! That would be my worst nightmare! Love you too!
Love this Sherri!
Thank you! And wouldn’t you know it…I woke up a growler today. 🙂
This is so good!! Thank you for making me smile this morning. God bless you!
Glad you liked it. 🙂