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I remember a time when I was searching for and seeking out devotional books plus asking for ideas from fellow families. But now that we’ve gathered a pretty good library, if we need an answer to a question, we just open one of several Bible resources. We are blessed that way. So today I share with you our favorite Bible Study and Character Training for Multiple Ages.
Some of these we turn to for family devotion time. Some we have available for our children to enjoy independently.
Bible Study for Little Ones
Beginning with the youngest, today I’m sharing a review of Leading Little Ones to God at Curriculum Choice…
It’s time to read Leading Little Ones to God! Freshly bathed and pj-clad, he announces it while rolling his matchbox cars around the coffee table. We read a selection each night, build memories, have discussions.
Suffer the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God. Mark 10:14
We were first introduced to Leading Little Ones to God in our early homeschooling days through Sonlight curriculum. We’ve read and enjoyed it through all our five children. And I’m hanging on tight to our times reading it with our youngest two children. Read the rest of my review of Leading Little Ones to God.
Another resource for the littlest ones is this great series from Answers in Genesis: Big Thoughts for Little Thinkers. Plus our preschooler is working his way through Bible Stories to Read and Bible Pictures to Color by Rod and Staff.
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Bible Study for Elementary Age
Bible Study for Middle Ones/Tweens
- Tween Girls: A Girl After God’s Own Heart – A Tween Adventure with Jesus by Elizabeth George
- Devotionals for the New Year – a list of devotionals for all ages including some specific for girl tweens and the Answers Book for Teens.
Bible Study for Young Adults/Teens
- His Revolutionary Love – Jesus’ Radical Pursuit of You
- Answers Book for Teens
- Do Hard Things and the sequel, Start Here
- Holding His Hand: A Devotional for Teen Girls by Beka DeWitt
Don’t Check Your Brains at the Door – Know What You Believe and Why by Josh McDowell and Bob Hostetler
Plants Grown Up and Polished Cornerstones by Doorposts
Bible Study and Character Training for All Ages
- Every Sunday my children each receive a ‘take home sheet’ from Sunday school Bible study time. These pages have a Bible verse or passage to read each day of the upcoming week. Plus further study and activities to enjoy. These we put on the children’s desks or somewhere in the family room for easy access.
- For Instruction in Righteousness – a much used reference. Angie offers a wonderful review.
- Manners Made Easy – a little, pink etiquette book with 365 short lessons. Biblical reasons for manners and practical applications.
- Family Journaling – a habit we enjoy
- The Jotham’s Journey trilogy we read each advent season. And also, Amon’s Adventures during the Easter season. So many happy memories. We anticipate this every year!
- Of course the majority of curriculum is Biblically based. Our science, language arts history. In case you are interested in those, I have a list of our Hodgepodge curriculum choices.
- Even more: a Hodgepodge of Favorite Books and Resources.
In summary: Today I’ve offered a sampling of what we enjoy, what we pull off the shelves often. We don’t ever do all of these every day. But we have them available either in our Around the Couch organization or our Bible Basket.
Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. ~ Deuteronomy 6:7
But, of course, one of the best character training times is those long talks with parents. The daily, every day, discussions, reactions, prayers. Practical prayer. That, my friends, is one of the privileges of parenting.
In our homeschool this week we are still enjoying a visit with Grandma and Grandpa. The freedom of a homeschool schedule. Here are a few happenings. Field trip to Cheaha State Park in Alabama! It was the last day of 80 degrees and perfect weather. All the leaves were are their peak. Grandpa has been teaching Lil’ Buddy to pump his legs on the swing and on his bike! The boys have been showing Grandpa Stack the States and other fun apps. We’ve been playing lots of board games. Grandma is teaching Middle Girl all about Soduku.
We’ve fit in math almost every day. Language arts sporadically. But the cold weather has made us sit and read by the fire. So we’ve fit in our extras fairly often. Reading Making Thirteen Colonies, Elections selections (Great Presidential Wit by Bob Dole is a current favorite) and more. Plus, Littlest Girl was baptized – and Grandma and Grandpa were here to see it!
Many thanks to our Friday hostesses!
- Homeschool Mother’s Journal at iHomeschool Network
- Collage Friday hostess Mary at Home Grown Learners
- Jamerrill at Holy Spirit-Led Homeschooling
- Weekly Wrap-Up hostess Kris at Weird, Unsocialized Homeschoolers
- No Fear Homeschool High School at The Daisy Head
~ Thanks for visiting! Subscribe to Hodgepodge (it’s free!) Don’t miss a homeschool post.
What are you favorite Bible study and character training resources for the ages you are teaching? Click to comment…
Tricia, Thank you for this post. I have several of these resources, but many are new to me. I am looking for a basket to use for all of our Bible resources….. Thank you again for all of your wonderful advice on a peaceful home!
Rebecca – that basket puts our most used Bible resources right in plain sight – easy to access. Thank you – you bless me.
That park is so beautiful! I admire the close family relationships your family has. That is a great bunch of devotionals. We have used a few of them ourselves. We had a hard time getting all our subjects in this week, too.
Phyllis! That park is an annual, fall destination. So many wonderful memories for about a dozen years now. And your family is an inspiration to me – all you do and learn together. Thank you, friend.
Thanks for sharing such great resources. We have loved “Leading Little Ones to God” as well. I read it to my oldest and now I need to pull it out again for my 3 and 5 year olds. I’m bookmarking your post to check out some of these other books too as we have need for additional resources! 🙂
What wonderful books! I was very glad to see A Girl After God’s Own Heart. That’s one I’ll definitely look into.
I loved the book Leading Little Ones to God. Great week!
Thank you ladies! I added two more resources today my eldest daughter reminded me about! I’ll continue to update. So many wonderful times, memories built around these books.
Yes, you’ve listed a lot of great resources. We have many of them, but some I’ve never been able to use, like the Pam Foster books. Don’t know why, because they are good.
I have read some Josh and Sean McDowell books so that is cool about the one you listed by Josh McDowell. I will have to keep that in mind when my boys grow a little older. I adore all the children’s books too! Thanks for all the great ideas! I myself have been wanting to read Do Hard Things.
Thank you for the Christian book resources.
What a great post of resources. We love the Answers in Genisis series too. I have made a mental note of the manners book. It might make for a good addition to our Summer God’s Girls Club.
Jamie – I know you would enjoy the manners book. Very easy to do every day. 🙂
My teen daughter and son(fraternal twins age 15) like the God’s Girl and God’s Guy devtionals.
Hi there! I found your site through pinterest. I’m glad I did! Always excited to find another sister in Christ in the blogging world. I’m considering homeschooling my boys (they are in 1st grade and kindergarten this year). It’s a bit overwhelming and I don’t know where to begin. Your site looks like a great resource. Thanks!!
Hi Faith, So glad you stopped by! Starting homeschooling is indeed overwhelming. Our sister site, The Curriculum Choice, offers all sorts of reviews of curriculum plus encouragement in the nitty gritty of homeschooling. Since you mentioned Pinterest – we have a How to Get Started Homeschooling board with a collection of how to posts and so much more: http://pinterest.com/currchoice/ especially this board: http://pinterest.com/currchoice/how-to-get-started-homeschooling/ I also have written extensively about K and 1st – since those are the ages of my youngest two. Lots of prayer, helpful habits, lots of reading aloud time – and at this age – a focus on character training and the the three Rs. Find a good homeschool support group as well. My best advice to you as you consider the homeschool journey!