A compiled tribute to Hodgepodgedad.
From 2009….
(to the tune of If I only had a brain from Wizard of Oz)
And He Has a Technical Brain
On the computer he spends hours
Musing on the state of a laptop or tower
And acts like it’s a game
He knows both PCs and Macs
Computers are his knack
…and he has a technical brain
Lot of folks he’s always saving
From things very complicating
He can fix anything
With sound equipment, radios and gadgets
He can work all kinds of magic
…because he is a technical brain
Oh, I can tell you why
He’s my best friend in the world
He can think of things I never thunk before
And I admire him even more
…because he is a technical brain
He’s the greatest husband under the sun
Tickles, jokes, laughs, what fun
for two boys and three girls
he’s the best Dad in the world
And I love you says this girl!
… and he has a technical brain.
from 2010…
He can…
- calm the frenzy
- shop with technology
- become Superman and fix anything
- finish any Honey Do list
He loves…
- his girls
- his boys
- with gentle leadership, he guides his family
He brings…
- clarity of thought
- flowers, just because
- wisdom in parenthood
He knows…
- just how to pull a laugh
- fun, made up words
- how to write beautiful window love letters
- a kiss makes it all better
- date nights are important
- how to keep a secret, to save a little money here and there, to get his bride a new camera. To give it to her early, back before the birthdays and holidays… so all can be captured.
He never…
- complains about his long commute
- is too tired to tuck children in bed
- misses a chance to make a garden grow or go on a family walk
But always…
- tries his best to be at the supper table with us on weeknights
- packs in the fun (and sure knows how to pack anything to fit in our van or refrigerator)
- knows or helps find the answer
- cleans the toothpaste out of the sink and other messesplays rousing rounds of board games
- claps when a girl plays Happy Birthday on the piano.
Happy Birthday, wonderful man of mine.
Countless blessings of being married to you!
plus these from the day to day ’round here…
2240. hand me down clothes that bring memories of other baby days.
2241. movie night at home
2242. Hymns Triumphant
2243. Heart of the Matter Conference this week!
2244. hugs and kisses from an almost three-year-old nephew
2245. a big ol’ fat moon to admire on a date night drive
2246. fellowship of other believers every Sunday
2247. Psalm 91
Trust in Him at all times, ye people; Pour out your hearts before Him: God is a refuge for us. Psalm 62:8
Hear! Hear! As one saved from a nasty virus and from working on a cheap, slow computer, and blessed to see him with his children and beloved wife, you can’t say enough good about this wonderful fellow!