The Difference Between Punishment and Discipline | Counseling One Another The Russia Left Behind Pulpits, Pimps, and Progress: A Lament Dear Young, Christian Husband With a Job and Healthy Wife Who Wants a Baby « THE CHRISTIAN PUNDIT Scalia believes in the Devil and is offended if you don’t | Denny Burk I love […]
Apologia Swimming Creatures of the Fifth Day Resources
When it came time to choose a science course for our high schoolers, we thought, “Why not marine biology?” And why not make a family study of it? And so we did. For our elementary ages we are enjoying Exploring Creation with Zoology 2: Swimming Creature of the Fifth Day. We gathered resources and have […]
Sunday Savings in Kitchen Essentials ebook Bundle Sale
I am absolutely thrilled to have our Sunday Savings cookbook included in this week’s Bundle of the Week! ~ Disclosure: if you purchase the Bundle of the Week I will receive a portion of the sales. Please see our disclosure policy. From meal planning and freezer cooking to organizing your kitchen and preparing your own […]
Series and Incredible Index at The Ultimate Homeschool Pinterest Party
Welcome! I have the privilege of co-hosting the Ultimate Homeschool Pinterest Party each week with these wonderful ladies: Jamerrill @FreeHomeschoolDeals Jenn @ Daze of Adventure Toni @ The Happy Housewife Staci @ Motherhood on a Dime Tricia @ Hodgepodge So your pins will show up on all five sites! And the party starts every Friday […]
The Ultimate List of Art Fun and Encouragement at Hodgepodge
Back in the spring I shared an Ultimate List of Favorite Art Resources in my You CAN Be an Artist! 10 day series. Today I am expanding on that list to include more favorites and encouragement for you! (Plus, don’t miss the surprise at the end!) I think this is a fitting conclusion to this […]
Art is for Parents Too!
“Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once he grows up.” ~ Pablo Picasso “If you hear a voice within you say ‘you cannot paint,’ then by all means paint and that voice will be silenced.” ~Vincent Van Gogh These quotes speak to me of freedom. Of permission. And […]
Bizarre Things I Love about Being a Mom
When asked what their favorite things about being a mom, most moms would mention things like hugs, kisses, or sweet words from their children. I do love all of those things. However, my favorite things about being a mom may seem a little bizarre on the surface.These are a few of my favorite things about being a mom…
How to Skumble with Chalk Pastels
“Skumble” is a funny word. It is a made-up word for the way an artist can add texture to a picture. In our video, below, we share how we turned our brown pastel on its side and very lightly and carefully brushed it across the sand color to show the grainy texture of the sandy […]
Occupying the Little Ones at The Ultimate Homeschool Pinterest Party!
Welcome! I have the privilege of co-hosting the Ultimate Homeschool Pinterest Party each week with these wonderful ladies: Jamerrill @FreeHomeschoolDeals Jenn @ Daze of Adventure Toni @ The Happy Housewife Staci @ Motherhood on a Dime Tricia @ Hodgepodge So your pins will show up on all five sites! And the party starts every Friday […]
Fistin’ Chalk Pastel Art Technique
What is fistin’? Some of you may think that I have dug deep into my Southern vernacular, but this is a term that I have coined in teaching pastel art. The fistin’ chalk pastel art technique. Fistin’ Chalk Pastel Art Technique What FISTIN’ is…is balling up your fist, turning your fist down so that […]
But chalk pastels get everywhere!
Yes, chalk pastels do get everywhere! It is the nature of the art. Yet there are a few, very simple tips to keep in mind that will ease your fear of messes and ramp up the enjoyment for all. Blessedly messy as we often say. 1. Practice – Yes, simply pulling out the chalk pastels […]
How to Make Sky and Clouds in Chalk Pastels
I think that one of my most favorite subjects to paint with my pastels is clouds and the sky. There are many different forms of sky: dark and threatening, morning-fresh delicate and pale, angry, red-streaked sundown skies….oh, my…just think of what to paint makes my “painting fingers” just itch! There are just a few suggestions […]
Your First Easy Lesson in Chalk Pastel Art
Here at Hodgepodge, we are on a mission to share just how easy and fun chalk pastel art is! We welcome you to this 10 day series of Art for All Ages: Tips and Tutorials. Nana (Lucia Hames) and I will be sharing all sorts of free tutorials, art techniques and encouragement. What we share […]