Post Father’s Day weekend. Post breakfast Saturday morning – we load up. Head to the hills north of us. Two hours and we’re there.
We hug necks, visit with Grandma L. and then get the honor of a garden tour.
And this tour included so much of the nature that we’ve recently studied. Oakleaf hydrangea bigger than biggest boy.
Mary Todd, prairie dawn, little joy…just a few of the names of Daddy’s day lilies. Almost all of the varieties that bloom in my yard too. Ever since the year he brought buckets full of them for my birthday. Starting in June and going through part of July, I watch for which one will bloom next in my yard.
And a garden critter! Posing praying mantis.
Terraces, lattice, sawdust mulch are all the work of this master carpenter. This photo reminds me that I have blue star seeds in my pocket right now. He pinched them and gave them to me to plant in our yard.
He built the ramp so that my stepmother can get in and out and enjoy the garden.
The little twin doggies appreciate it too.
Rows of corn, kale, cucumbers, okra, carrots, tomatoes, banana peppers…
…and Middle Girl’s favorite – squash! (the crop plant we studied!). Daddy tells me they enjoy a fresh plate of veggies each day.
Bees on wild, mountain hydrangea (a garden insect!). And, close by, he pointed out a tupelo plant. Ah! We enjoy tupelo honey in our homemade bread!
Solomon’s bells (Daddy says they were in the altar flower arrangement of the recent royal wedding). More for us to plant from seed! See the little green balls dangling?
Plus, a nice sized southern magnolia tree! We enjoyed the summer blossoms, and shared with my Daddy our year-long tree study.
A nice follow up of our Handbook of Nature Study spring and summer studies in our own backyard. A bunch of new things to enjoy outside in the mountains.
But most of all – Grandchildren tromped in his garden. I had time with my Daddy. A Saturday, family day trip!
A full tour in the Day Trip to Daddy’s Flickr set.
So sweet! Love it! Miss my Dad. (He’s alive but in CA…. up north, in the mountains, on a lovely piece of property, with my stepmom… we do have some things in common. =)
Oh, and he’s a master carpenter as well! =)
Kim – that is so neat we have so much in common!
Your dad has a beautiful garden! What a fun place for children ( an adults) to explore. I thoroughly enjoyed the tour!
What a great day! Love that you can spend time in another garden and find so many interesting things to look at. I think I liked the Solomon’s bells the best. Great entry and great memories for your family. Thanks for sharing a glimpse into your early summer world.
I love the daylilies too…..I need to dig up the names of my varieties.