Ribbons awarded to our children at our Homeschool Expo for science fair and art projects.
While our You Can Be An Artist series was here on the blog, behind the scenes our family was swept up into all sorts of celebrations. It’s been a month since I shared a weekly wrap up, Collage Friday type of post! Bear with me, because it’s a hodgepodge of an update!
If you get out the year’s artwork to pick out selections for the Homeschool Expo, it might remind him of the pastels. Chalk pastels make him want to paint. So you give him a paint brush…
Our Homeschool Expo with our homeschool group was a few weeks ago. This year-end, celebratory time includes a science fair, art show and talent show! Grandparents and friends come and it’s always a fun time.
Love our homeschool group! What a fun Saturday we had at the park with fellow families, sack races, water balloon tosses and more. It’s a family affair.
In our homeschool…we have finished these subjects:
- Rod and Staff English: 5th, 8th and 9th grade
- Science: Answers in Genesis Inventions and Technology unit study
Azaleas, irises, roses. Spring! What’s blooming in your yard?
We are still working on and enjoying these subjects:
- History and more: Tying up the threads of our Tapestry of Grace Year 2 Unit 4 studies
- Harmony Fine Arts studies
- Math: Saxon 1st Grade, Teaching Textbooks 5th and 8th – we’re getting close!
- Apologia Biology with the older two
1. Someone got her instructional permit (what we used to call a learner’s license) | 2. Littlest Girl sang a solo in big church with the Treehouse Children’s Choir | 3. Then she and her sister performed with puppets – the story of Daniel. She was an angel in the lion’s den and Middle Girl was the king | 4. Middle Girl also sang a solo the same morning!
New homeschool resources we have started:
- 2nd and 6th grade English (those girls wanted to!)
- Triple 1070 – a high school level finance course and our Southern Hodgepodge sponsor for May! I’ll be sharing a full review later this month at The Curriculum Choice.
Spring Sing was this week! We are so blessed to be a part of a church that invests in children. Our three youngest participated in a choir program. Each earned trophies for learning hymns.
We are still looking forward to:
- Drama Troupe production – Next week is our homeschool Drama Troupe’s production of The Wonderful Wizard of Oz! Middle Girl is playing the Cowardly Lion and Eldest Girl is Glinda the Good Witch. Glinda had her fitting last weekend.
- Piano recital – both older girls have weekly lessons and are working on recital songs.
We also have a couple of new members of the family. Middle Girl came home with a goldfish from an Awanas program. And Eldest Girl has a beautiful, loaner guitar! She also has a DVD ‘learn to play guitar’ she’s going to be working on.
- Looking forward to easy going days of summer. I’m building a reading list already! We’ll likely be doing daily math for a while because of our unusual year of sickness and needing to catch up.
- This wrap up post doesn’t cover it all! I have even more photos I shared via hodgepodgemom on instagram. Are you on instagram?
All our 2012-2013 curriculum choices can be found here.
Don’t miss these!
- Patriotic resource from Curriculum Choice authors
- Christian Parenting Handbook mega giveaway + $400 package of parenting resources when you buy this week!
- Groovebook – with a coupon code Amy is sharing at Habits for a Happy Home. Would make a wonderful Mother’s Day gift!
- iBlog – it’s the how to manual I wish I’d had. I have the privilege of sharing my best time-saving tips and chapter on running a group blog.
Littlest Girl’s medal for memorizing Bible verses and hymns. She earned two medals and gave one to her little brother.
It’s definitely been a few weeks of celebrations with more to come! Many thanks to our Friday hostesses!
- Collage Friday hostess Mary at Home Grown Learners
- Homeschool Mother’s Journal at iHomeschool Network
- Weekly Wrap-Up hostess Kris at Weird, Unsocialized Homeschoolers
- No Fear Homeschool High School hostess Connie at The Daisy Head
- Family Friday Link Up with Jamerrill at Holy Sprit-Led Homeschooling
What year-end celebrations have you already enjoyed? Are you finished for the year or will you be catching up on math too?
HOw fun was that celebration! My daughter would LOVE to be Glinda! She has been watching the Wizard of Oz for about a month now and is learning all the songs! Blessings to you Tricia!
Oh she is thrilled to be Glinda and do all those wonderful, happy inflections and wear the giant skirt!
Tricia — you have been so busy! I’m struck by how happy all of your children look and how much BEAUTY there has been in their lives these past weeks (well, always really!).
I so wish I could come to the drama production 🙁
Enjoy your weekend, my friend!
Wow. What a time of wonderful celebration. I admire the fact you have such great homeschool activities available to you through your local group. There is a lot of happiness throughout.
What an exciting month! I’m very excited my 3 year old will be able to join our Awanas in the fall. Your little ones are very blessed with lots of talent. And we have roses, iris and azaleas blooming, too!
Today’s our last day of school(with a second grader). We are doing our last English and Social Studies lessons today and then celebrating by going out to lunch. We finished Math and Science about 2 weeks ago. So we are on break until July 22th. But of course learning does not stop. She is partipating in a nature day camp for 2 weeks in July through our Parks and Rec dept and we are taking a cross country trip(from Idaho to Deleware) next week (36 hours spread over 5 days) and staying with my sister for 19 days.
congrats on your last day of school!! And what a fun idea to celebrate with going out to lunch! Your schedule sounds very similar to ours. Ending in May and starting back up in late July – with all kinds of learning in between. Thanks for stopping by Becca.
Such a busy and wonderful time! I especially love the bringing home of a goldfish from AWANA. That’s something exciting 🙂
Glinda looks wonderful! I think I have girls who would love to wear that just because!
Congrats Eldest Girl on getting your permit! I got my permit 3 months ago on my 16th birthday. Be careful and try not to scare your parents too much.