I used to be able to point to one or two really big things that have made a difference in our family life because of our frugal living lifestyle. I tried my best to narrow down some topics to share with you today. But I couldn’t. See, since I first found the many freedoms in frugal living, the habits spread to all parts of our family life. I’ve found, that as soon as you start down the simple savings path, the frugality spreads and grows.
So, rather than focus on one portion of our frugal lifestyle, I’m sharing a round up of ways we save money at Hodgepodge:
I’m sharing practical ways to save money, plus some meals/batch cooking and inexpensive gift ideas at Sam’s Noggin today.
Reduced our cell phone plan to the minimum we needed, use internet streaming or Netflix rather than cable, called around and found less expensive car/home insurance, driving the car instead of the van (uses less gas) as much as possible. Being as frugal as possible so we can keep our eldest in college! When you have a purpose, frugal living is actually fun! =)