Back a decade ago I used to make french bread pizzas all the time. Got into the habit with Once a Month Cooking. Then I got out of the habit. But then Erin at $5 Dinners reminded me in her post, Pizza Loaves, Flashback to 1989. See, we have pizza most every Friday night. And, since Hodgepodgedad and I usually enjoy date night that night, I’ve been buying the $7 Walmart pizzas for the children and Nana. Much cheaper than ordering from a delivery place (haven’t done that in years!).
But Erin’s version is even cheaper. A store-bought $1 loaf of french bread, cut in half. (Leftover hamburger buns are pretty cheap with pizza toppings too 🙂 )
Then, the fun part! The french bread can be cut in child-sized portions and each child can put their own toppings on. Oh hooray for build-your-own fun!
We do that with flour torillas!
How much I learned from you Phyllis!! Yum.
French bread pizza was one of our favorites for a quick meal. Did you know you can make mini pizzas by rolling canned biscuits flat or with English muffins?