Our May was a bit of blur of celebratory times. And many an afternoon was rain-filled.
But still we noticed the coming of summer as we brushed pass the hydrangea bushes by the front door. And because of all that rain we are bursting in green and growing things here in the south. Just this week the hydrangea is showing some touches of color. An anticipation of beauty to come – like the first strokes of a paint brush on the edges.
Memories, important yesterdays, were once todays. Treasure and notice today. ~ Gloria Gaither
Several times we chose bouquets of roses for teachers at church. Rain drops on roses…
1. We noticed a brilliant iris by Nana’s front walk | 2. The tips of this hydrangea turning purple | 3. my favorite oak leaf hydrangea – a clipping brought by Middle Girl | 4. And we gathered arrangements for the family table just simply to enjoy. | 5. See the day lilies starting to reach to the sky? They’ll be blooming before long. All those from my Daddy’s yard in the hills | 6. Sunflowers in Nana’s kitchen table vase.
We marveled at Nana’s little garden. You can’t see the details here but there’s a pebble road, a Blue’s Clues house and toy cars and construction vehicles.
And on a family walk we noticed summer blooming in the woods – honeysuckle and more! Plus a few bunnies posing for children to admire and me to catch on my phone camera. They were quite tame and we almost thought they’d let us pick them up.
Most new discoveries are suddenly-seen things that were always there. ~ Suzanne K. Langer
And guess what? We have plants from a dear friend. Cucumber and watermelon and more. It may be a little later start than usual but I think we are headed on the path to summer…
Many thanks to Handbook of Nature Study for the garden flowers and crops topics – and for keeping us noticing!
What gorgeous photos.
Great photos! Sometimes I have better luck with my phone than I do my Canon. 🙂
Thanks – and I agree! Plus, it’s just so handy – right in your pocket 🙂