In the summer, I often have more free time than at any other time of year. I spend more time reading and catching up on my lists of things to do. I usually spend time looking for new school books but this summer I don’t have to do that. 🙂
Today, I was browsing the Internet and happened to notice a headline about a sports team who lost a game and it said something about the reason why they lost. Normally, I could care less about sports but I found myself curious about why they lost. Then later, I saw another headline about some other totally random subject and found myself wanting to know the rest of the story.
This made me think about how important headlines are in causing a reader to want to read the story. They are as important as the title of a novel or of a movie. What does that have to do with us? Well, it made me think about our headlines. Do our headlines make someone want to know what’s inside our story? Are we intriguing and leading to the point that someone would grab us in the store or on the street and ask, “Hey, tell me your story. You look like you have a great one!”?
So while you have a little bit of free time this summer, why don’t you think about your headline and how your life’s story can cause others to want to know more about what makes you tick (the Lord, homeschooling, family, etc.). Just something to think about.
Sherri Johnson is a homeschool mom (14 years) who is a published author and speaker and who loves to share God with others and to make people laugh. She enjoys speaking to homeschool groups about organization, record keeping, homeschooling high school, keeping kids pure, and more. She has been married for 22 years and has a 20 year old daughter and a 16 year old son. She is a writer who writes homeschool resources and Bible Studies but loves writing Christian Romance more than anything. She has a contract on her first novel, which will be out soon.
Sherri this is a unique way to look at and evaluate ourselves. Love this! Story at 6…
Love that!
Love this! I’ve thought of trying to “shine so brightly” that others notice that there is something different about me and want to know what it is … I like the headline idea as well! 🙂 Thank you!
It just came to me! Totally God-inspired. Glad you liked it. Shine on!