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I love coffee. Back when I was a teenager I must have had a hard time getting going for school in the mornings. Because I still remember that morning my mama brought me my first cup of coffee – complete with cream and sugar.
I’ve been drinking coffee ever since that morning I was 15. Iced afternoon coffee in the summers. Until last summer, that is.
My favorite ‘coffee mug on the beach’ picture
Why oh why did I quit a morning and afternoon ritual? A mama of five – homeschooling without coffee?? Especially when I have all these peaceful photos of morning coffee time? Why is Starbucks no longer a stopping point?
(The information I share here is by no means medical advice. Just simple, practical encouragement and sharing of how thrilled I am to find what works for me. Some links are affiliate links to products we have grown to love and truly depend on. See our disclosure policy. )
my favorite ‘coffee in the mountains’ picture
Why I Quit Coffee
Last summer when I adjusted my diet to completely gluten free, I looked forward to my morning coffee. I had no clue that by eliminating gluten that I would begin to notice other things. It was at about a week and a half gluten free that I noticed my hands swelling after my morning coffee. Inflammation in my hands. I also was coughing quite a bit after drinking my morning cup. The coughing could be a respiratory reaction and/or acid reflux. Inflammation and coughing really made coffee not a bit of fun for me anymore. So, I just quit.
that lovely swirl of afternoon iced coffee
How I Quit Coffee
After that morning cup I just quit – cold turkey. I had quit drinking coffee for about six weeks before a couple years back. So I knew about the withdrawal headaches. The fatigue and crankiness. So I warned the children what I was doing. That was a tough week for sure. But I did replace coffee with something else.
Replacing Coffee with Tea
Back in my post college days of living out west, my roommate introduced me to
. At the time you could only purchase it at the special import store. These days it’s at the local grocery – Walmart and Kroger. It is a nice, strong blend. And, I drink it just like I did coffee. With cream and sweetener. And I have it in the morning and the afternoon.In fact, on the
diet I can have a cup of tea (coffee was suggested in the book) with a packet of and some whipping cream or half and half!The Connection Between Gluten Intolerance and Coffee
Interestingly, just a few weeks after I quit coffee, my friend Jenny sent me a some reading. (Jenny is the one who encouraged me to make the gluten free then Trim Healthy Mama lifestyle changes. So grateful for her!) When I read Jenny’s link – Gluten Issues or Celiac – Don’t Drink Coffee, I told my friend that I could confirm that simply with what I was noticing in myself. There is also a more recent article with a bit more information.
It still amazes me that I have been experiencing these type symptoms for decades and now that I have removed gluten and coffee from my diet, inflammation is practically gone.
I will add that one evening in February I decided to give coffee a try again. We were having supper for breakfast and I had brewed some for my husband. I thought I’d pour myself just an inch – it smelled SO wonderful! But, that coffee didn’t go down wonderfully. I had only taken a couple of sips when I could not stop myself coughing. I had to take two antacid tablets to stop the coughing! That little incident cured me.
Loving Tea Time
Now I am still learning about tea. I understand that at Starbucks the vanilla rooibos tea latte is supposed to be spectacular. Of course I am all over my grandmother’s recipe for iced tea!
Coming up in the Healthy Mama series (links will be live as I share over the next several weeks)…
- Healthy Mama Hodgepodge: Gluten Free Living
- Getting started gluten free list (family friendly style)
- Quitting coffee after all these years <— I know you are saying ‘what?’
- Trim Healthy Mama, Hodgepodge style
- Gluten free living from Hodgepodgedad
- A Day in the Life with Essential Oils
- 100+ Every Day Uses for Essential Oils
Next up, Trim Healthy Mama Hodgepodge style!
So, if you have any tea time tips, I’m all ears!
Interesting, Tricia… I am following your journey carefully. We are almost one week gluten free here and I am noticing that I have much more energy and my pain doesn’t creep up on me until the very tail end of the day. I used to start the day with the pain. It’s not totally gone – but it is much better.
I wonder if coffee will come next I know it must have been hard for you — but you DID IT!
It was very hard – but I HAD to do it! Thanks for being such an encouraging friend Mary!! I love to hear you are feeling better too – I keep saying it. It is FREEDOM!! And I forgot to even mention how much better I am sleeping. Rest is a very good thing. And P.S. – I don’t think everyone has to quit coffee. Just pay attention to what your body is telling you.
We all go gluten and casein (milk protein) free from time to time, just to sympathize with what my two oldest children are going through. They have been gfcf for many years now. I have not noticed any difference any time we have done so. I have not tried quitting coffee. That would be hard. My hubby brings me a cup every morning just like your Mama used to do for you… it would be worth a try to see if it makes a difference. It is interesting to see the connection between gluten and coffee. Fortunately neither of my older kids like coffee. I am finding this series so interesting.
The tea latte at Starbucks is fantastic! It does need some sweetener in it in my opinion, but try it first w/o. I have enjoyed the articles so far looking forward to more.
I quit coffee about a month ago as well. I get migraines a couple times a month and am trying to cut out all sugar, caffeine, and other things that may contribute to my headaches. It was like torture at first, especially my treat to Dunkin. I cringe every time I drive by now. I have some French vanilla tea, decaf, by Bigelow. It has a mild comforting flavor! Thanks for sharing!!
That is awesome Nori! (I ran on Dunkin coffee too) And I am loving the tea suggestions. Thank you 🙂
We are going gluten free. It has been great for our family. I am not sure I could stop the coffee! I am still up 3-4 times a night and coffee is my key to survivial.
I have noticed that when I don’t drink coffee, I easily lose weight!
This is a great encouragement to read:) My Dr. suggested that I give coffee up because of the acidity in it and the effect coffee has on the adrinals. An older lady from church told me recently that her Dr. advised she give it up because he felt that coffee promoted estrogen levels. I also have celiac and notice I feel so much better when I go coffee free.
April – that is why I gave up coffee for a short while a couple of years ago. I was cutting way back on sugar – and acids. Glad you found it encouraging. I love feeling better more than coffee 🙂