The helpful homeschool habit pressing on helps us focus on finishing well. Here is an example of our homeschool week and the great resources we have found to help our homeschool days with multiple ages.
In our homeschool we are pressing on. There are a few subjects we have finished. And the calendar is filled with end of the year programs, practices and celebrations. We are pressing on because in just a few short weeks it will be summer break.
We are pressing on because in a few short weeks, at the end of this homeschool year and in planning for the next: I will have a second grader, a fourth grader, an eighth grader and both a high school junior and a senior!

Helpful Homeschool Habit: Pressing On
…I do not regard myself as having laid hold of it yet; but one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. Philippians 3: 13-14
Just how are we pressing on in our homeschool? Here are some snapshots from our week…
Pressing On with Homeschooling Young Ones
1. I shared my elementary students’ review of Apologia’s Land Animals of the Sixth Day earlier this week. We have all learned so much! | 2. Diligence with handwriting. | 3. this boy loves to vacuum. | 4. When I was wondering why third grader had stepped away from her Teaching Textbooks, I found this typed note.
Sometimes handwriting can be hard. But we need the practice so we press on. Practicing every day. Pressing on toward the goal of that beautiful border sheet or learning to write a name in cursive.
Third grader has finished spelling for the year! And third and first grader only have roughly a week of math left. Soon we will finish up Apologia Land Animals and next week we will celebrate with a trip to Zoo Atlanta with our family passes. Also next week, third grader will take her first, required standardized test.
Pressing On Homeschooling Middle School
1. On the trail again! (Our favorite Silver Comet Trail) | 2. Off to drama troupe with Middle Girl | 3. Family selfie | 4. Because sometimes you just have to appreciate straightened shoes (arranged by Middle Girl who is a mighty talented organizer)
I cannot believe I have a rising eighth grader. Next year is a continuation of practice time for high school studies. Meanwhile she presses on towards the goal of several extracurricular activities – piano recital and drama troupe. And she is pressing on in all her other subjects too.
Helpful Homeschool Habit Pressing On Homeschooling High School
1. Our high school son is absolutely loving Apologia Chemistry! | 2. Lots of reading for Tapestry of Grace and just in general for prep for the SAT | 3. It’s the latest volume of the Learn Math Fast System – “The Mystery of Geometry is about to be solved!” from J.K. Mergens at (Review at The Curriculum Choice – You can read more there in a guest post by J.K. Mergens, Why Can’t My Child Learn Multiplication?) | 4. And next fall our then senior student will be taking the ACT. So she has been using ACE the ACT by REA Test Prep (Review at The Curriculum Choice).
There has been a great deal of reading going on with our high schoolers. And the week of rain we had has actually helped with that. We’ve also decided we shall press on in earnest with our Science Saturdays with Hodgepodgedad. Because it is just more fun that way and the whole family joins in. It is easy going since there aren’t other subjects to work on. Sort of like Declaring a Homeschool Extras Day.
We’ve signed our rising senior up for the SAT. We are visiting our first college very soon. Things are moving quickly!
Pressing On – Homeschool Mama Too
1. Jane Austen movie night! “Thank the Lord for that!” ~ Mrs. Bennett, Pride & Prejudice. I shared about how us homeschool moms do this now and then for the sheer delight of it – and we don’t even talk homeschooling. | 2. Taking a little walk around the yard – the time of year when purple irises line the front walk. | 3. I just love asparagus. You? | 4. Azaleas at Mama Ann’s house. I got to stop by and visit with her when I was out all by myself last Saturday. What a treat! And she showed me all that was blooming and growing in her yard (my purple irises and many other beauties are from her yard!)
Did you miss these?
- Georgia Peaches Chalk Art Tutorial
- Apologia Science for All Ages
- Helpful Homeschool Habits for Standardized Testing
And this photo just seems like a few weeks ago…
I never tire of these wise words I turn to several times throughout the homeschool year. Pressing on, moving forward:
“You can’t change what you have or haven’t done over the past year. Just start where you are, ask the Lord to make you a “joyful mother of children,” pray for grace and wisdom (and strength and patience), and move forward.” ~ Vicki Bentley, HSLDA and Everyday Homemaking
How are YOU pressing on?
(and have you subscribed to Hodgepodge?) A peek into a week of our homeschool from April 2015.
I just loved this post 🙂 I really love watching and reading about your days and how you appreciate the beauty of days with your kids !! God bless you all and you are doing a great job !! Thank you for the encouragement you are to me ~ Amy
Well, now you have encouraged ME with your sweet comment. Thank you for that and God bless you too!
What wonderfully fun photos. Love reading your adventures in homeschooling. 😉
Oh, congratulations on having a rising senior! Senior year is just the best! And you are already looking at a college visit? Seems like we did that just yesterday. My daughter is finding her major at college, well, almost, and she is looking at a new program there. Such busy times for us, too! I love your flowers, and love that tea set, too. When we did the college entrance testing, my daughter took the test two times…that really helped us. My best to you in your finishing up weeks this year.
Tricia – I admire how you have your feet firmly planted in elementary, middle and high schools – and you make it all look so easy. I know it isn’t, but your cheerful and faithful attitude are so admirable. 🙂
Yes, I LOVE asparagus!
And, that last picture from the first day of school is such a treasure – you have beautiful children and it’s hard to believe one of them will be off to college next year at this time!
I’m so encouraged by your mindset to ‘press on’ and the scripture you shared!! And I LOVE the thought of getting together with other homeschool mama’s at RRR and not talking about homeschooling!