Though we are half way through September, I feel like we keep having fresh starts. This is the year to start something new. Yes, it is so good to stick with what works, but on this homeschool journey our days are always changing with growing children. Different needs. New seasons.
Geography in the family room. #geography #homeschool #globecollection ?
See I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland. Isaiah 43:19
So, though we are mainly using those wonderful homeschool curriculum choices we love, we’ve also been adding into the mix some new resources. Because, we are, after all, a hodgepodge.
New Simplified New Spaces
It’s not quite as glamorous as those HGTV shows but after much sorting, moving, purging and about three boxes of magic eraser and two gallons of paint, the end result WILL be SO worth it. And, for the record, my husband is awesome ❤️ #IKEA #organizing #hodgepodgesummer15 #HodgepodgeHomeschool
I will soon be sharing a more detailed post about our newly redone spaces. But let me just say that redoing four bedrooms turned us upside down since Labor Day weekend. And the results are not only spilling into other rooms – but we are really loving it! And going vertical with storage is SO smart! New spaces have meant more quiet spots for doing homeschool independently for my middle and high schoolers.
New – Even More Video Middle and High School
American History by @compassclsrm “it’s awesome,” says my senior. #videohomeschool #homeschool ? #HodgepodgeHomeschool Full review of Compass Classroom’s American History at The Curriculum Choice.
What a huge blessing that our Tapestry of Grace studies are often aligning with Compass Classroom resources. Early our homeschool days I learned from The Well Trained Mind that using more than one resource for a subject can bless. Because children have different learning styles. And learning something from a different source reinforces book learning. Win-win. We will be adding NEW Compass Classroom resources in the next couple of weeks. The children chose them – excited!
New Science Afternoons
1. Apologia General Science experiment – interviewing three family members. (My middle schooler is finishing up this resource this semester. She spread it out a little over a year. She will begin Apologia Biology (that awesome SuperSet!) her second semester of 8th grade so she can dip her toes into the high school waters and take her time through her ninth grade year). 2. Nature study as we drive around town – beautiful clouds! 3. @oswald.the.dragon likes the bearded dragon on page 171 of @apologiaworld Land Animals of the Sixth Day ?(we still love to get out this resource) 4. melting a candy bar with a magnifying glass with Apologia Astronomy.
New and Old Homeschool Resources for the Younger Set
1. A ‘new’ hat to wear during math (he made this crown in Sunday school). 2. A new subject for our youngest. He’s the fifth one to do Rod and Staff English 2 (we are doing this mostly orally). 3. The familiar ‘zoo’ at great-grandmother’s house. Always a favorite. Rocks she and my grandfather collected on their travels and some wonderful zoo and barnyard animals added in. Makes for some great imagination time. 4. ‘New’ to second grader. Big sis showing him all about Dance Mat Typing #homeschool #free
The New Way Things Work
One of those fantastic benefits of homeschooling. All ages piled in, learning together. The boys and The New Way Things Work. #Homeschool #TapestryofGrace #HodgepodgeHomeschool #1000gifts
New Senior Moments
Last I shared a homeschool collage Friday, I mentioned that I would share some senior moments now and then. Well, our high school senior…
And this I pray, that your love may abound still more and more in knowledge and all discernment. Philippians 1:9 *blink* she’s 18, y’all! 1. and we went to visit great-grandmother on her birthday! 2. This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine. Great night with @luci.kelly in the packed overflow The Grove, Passion City Church (a first time going there for me and a great mother/daughter night). 3. It’s September birthday time! ❤️?? #1000gifts #yesthatisanothercookiecake #glutenfree 4. This is me and my daughter. She is cool.
Plus, we unofficially have a new homeschool mascot…
When it is school spirit night at church youth group and @hodgepodgedad makes #homeschool t-shirts so they can wear shirts from their school ?#gohedgehogs #homeschoolrules
Evidence of a couple of good homeschool weeks. I’ve got so much, so much, so much… to be thankful for!
Linking up and sharing in the fun with Mary’s Collage Friday and Finishing Strong.
You guys have been HARD AT WORK!!! I love all of your IKEA organization, Tricia. I bet this is going to be a bittersweet year for you graduating a senior. How does it feel to know you have almost schooled one to the finish line??
I love the mascot! That is great. Our would be a Canadian goose after the name of our homeschool. I can’t wait to see your redone rooms.
Blessings, Dawn
Please tell me you’ve seen all of those homeschool hedgehog memes. If you haven’t, you can find some of them on Pinterest. They’re so stinking funny. 🙂
Maybe we will have to do our senior’s graduation party in homeschool hedgehog theme! Love it!
Oh I love a good organizational project. Can’t wait to see it all!
Oh the new mascot is darling and so fitting!
Enjoy all the “news” you have going on…fresh start to the year!