A round up of all my helpful habits on homeschool planning at Hodgepodge!
Homeschool Planning at Hodgepodge
First off, I do plan our homeschool year in rough form. I explain that time in detail in my Annual Planning and Goal Setting habit. But I honestly do not plan our year weekly. I:
- look at our resources, gather what we need.
- spend time praying for and making goals for each child.
- note if I need to do any standardized testing or schedule a high schooler for SAT or ACT.
- see that certain days will be busy with music lessons so I know I will need to use the slow cooker and schedule certain learning for those days.
- make note of field trips.
So we have an outline. Then, once we are in the nitty gritty of week-to-week homeschool, we make plans weekly.
We should make plans – counting on God to direct us. Proverbs 16:9
Annual Homeschool Planning and Goal Setting – For several years now I have looked forward to annual planning and goal setting – on vacation over the summer. I do this while watching the sunrise, cup of tea in hand. I’m away from home, relaxed and often have a new perspective. With five children, I devote one morning to each child. Anywhere from 15 minutes to an hour to just jot down ideas and God prompts. Not only do I consider academics but life skills, character training. I also take a morning to set goals for myself and my marriage.
I explained a little more in this video.
I detail this with many examples in this post: Mama on Vacation: Annual Homeschool Planning and Goal Setting.
Homeschooling with a Plan in Place – I share all about A Week in the Life of a Homeschool Planner – There is a resource that is essential to our homeschool. We each refer to this resource daily and it is there in the background all the time. That resource is our homeschool planners. Our homeschool planners help organize and structure our days, keep us accountable and they also track all we have learned and accomplished! Sometimes it helps me to see just how something works in a homeschool.
Weekly Homeschool Planning for Multiple Ages – Along with our habits, our weekly planning meeting helps build the ‘bones’ of our homeschool days. Our family meeting with all our children gives us an outline for the week ahead. There are so many benefits to this time together. Plus our very favorite planners from www.aplaninplace.net.
I share more about our Weekly Homeschool Planning Meeting in this video:
How to Plan Individual Time with Multiple Ages – Preschoolers, middle ones and teenagers. That’s where we are. With such a mix of ages it’s sometimes hard to have individual time with each child. Just how do you make a habit of planning individual time with each child? Today I share a few of the ways my husband and I accomplish that. The habits that help. I don’t suggest that you incorporate all of these into your family life unless you want to. Rather pick one or two and add in what appeals to you, what seems easy.
Planning and Dreaming for the New Year – In my time with family over Christmas and in these days leading up to the new year, I have been reflecting. Reflecting on God’s goodness. His constant provision. His direction and love over our family, our homeschool. We sat down as a family this past weekend. We dreamed, we planned, we talked. Some specific goals, some homeschool goals, maybe some places we’d like to go. (It was a relaxed and easy going version of our Weekly Homeschool Planning Meeting).
How to Plan Simple Afternoon Art Projects – Simple afternoon art projects? Just getting through a school day can be overwhelming. And here I am sharing about art projects? Well, rest assured I entitled this planning post Simple Afternoon Art Projects for practical purposes. Because I know. I know about trying to be a fun mom and wanting to give my children opportunity to enjoy art.
How to Plan Tapestry of Grace for Multiple Ages and Levels – In my continuing series on teaching multiple ages, today I share with you how to plan Tapestry of Grace. Even if you don’t use Tapestry, many of these planning tips can be applied to teaching an age range in general. Join me…
Prep for a New Homeschool Semester – Remember I mentioned that I’ve been planning here and there over Christmas break? Just 15 minutes to half an hour a morning for each child. Then the rest of the day with family and a Hodgepodge of other things. This magazine rack type shelf over the family room couch is very handy. I decided that we would make purposeful use of this shelf this semester. When all those resources are within sight, we are more apt to enjoy them.
Return of the Routine: Planning and Prep – Did you allow yourself some rest? Well today, while we are still resting, we are going to plan. Because every big game needs a plan. And we can be excited about the possibilities of the new year! Now I am not going to tell you how to plan. I’m not saying you have to plan out every day of your year. I’m just going to share with you what has blessed me the last several years.
More in this video:
Return of the Routine – You may still be feeling the weight of this past year. Or you may be facing the overwhelming responsibility of getting back into the school year. These six simple steps for success included in Return of the Routine may help! Reluctant return of routine-r? Download now and save it for when you are ready.
Ending with my one of my all-time favorite quotes…
You can’t change what you have or haven’t done over the past year. Just start where you are, ask the Lord to make you a “joyful mother of children,” pray for grace and wisdom (and strength and patience), and move forward. ~ Vicki Bentley, HSLDA and Everyday Homemaking
-originally published July 2014
Great post with a ton if good info! Thanks for the gentle reminder that it is time to get started planning for next year.
Thanks Heidi! I have all the resources picked out but I am spreading the planning out in stages. Hanging on to summer all the while 🙂
Lovely photos and great info!
In Japan
Nicole Auld
Thank you Nicole!