This quote speaks to me of freedom. Of permission. And of a child-like joy.
These days when I share an art project we’ve enjoyed or Nana’s latest chalk pastel tutorial, I sometimes get this reaction: “Oh my children would love that but I’m just not artistic.” Or, “my children would love to come to your house to do art.”
You don’t have to have any special skills. Experience. {that’s me, raising my hand!}
Dear friends. You just need to say yes. Just do it. Take a deep breath and fold yourself into the possible messiness. With children there is bound to be a mess. But that mess is beautiful.
Practice will help you feel comfortable with paint and canvas. Or chalk pastels and paper {raising my hand again}. Practice. Practice. Practice. Start small. Pull out the crayons. The paint with water. Bring on the paint another day. And watch the joy spread on their faces. And maybe the paint spill on the table. You don’t have to commit to an afternoon. Just 10 minutes.
Life is a great big canvas. Throw all the paint on it you can. ~ Danny Kaye
I’ll be sharing inspiration art quotes over the next few weeks in hopes you’ll pull out the brushes, the pastels, the palette of colors too. Be inspired by more Quotable Wisdom with the ladies of iHomeschool Network.
–> Be encouraged by our Inspirational Art Quote series!
To get you started, how about some Easy Spring Art Projects?
When was the last time you threw some paint? What’s your favorite art medium?
- Did you download the Volcano Chalk Pastel Tutorial yet? Subscribe!
- Unit Studies by Amanda Bennett: Your Passport to Learning Adventures!
This inspired me to get out some art supplies for this snowy day!
Oh that makes me so happy to hear Lindsay! Enjoy!
Thank you for sharing about all of the art you do with your kids! Because of your blog, I’ve stared incorporating “art afternoons” once a week with my kids! Today we are painting, and I realized that we have a little set of pastels that we got as a gift that I can start using. I finally realized that I need to just get over the mess and go for it and let my kids explore and be creative in this way – and do it with them! So thank you!
This makes me so happy to hear Coby!!
You know I agree with this! I love strewing art supplies stations throughout the house, hoping to inspire someone. It does work, too!
YOU are such an inspiration Phyllis and your whole family is a fabulous example of throwing paint 🙂
Oh, how it does my heart such good to hear these WONDERFUL comments about creating art with children! Thank you for sharing your thoughts and…yes…go throw some paint!!!
Nana @ Hodgepodge
Thank you, Tricia for inspiring me! I put off ‘art’ until I get the right supplies, or figure out a certain technique, or until I feel like dealing with the mess.
You make me realize it’s easy, fun, important, and worth it.
Tricia, you are such an inspiration. I wish that I could’ve sat down with you longer while we were at BEECH and gleaned from your wisdom and heart even more. What you do with your product makes me want to dive into the heart of my children even more, I just posted about the top 10 most inspiring work at home moms that I have for the life stage I’m in right now. You are one of them. Blessings!
What an honor to be listed amongst those I admire – and I’m so glad we did get to meet in person at BEECH!!