“I’ve been thinking it’s time to let the children build a dam in the stream.” My grandmother’s voice is on the line. “Like the cousins used to do.”
I thought of the heat, hundred degree temps and humidity. I thought of mosquitoes. And then I thought of the children’s love of stomping through Mama Ann’s creek. I also thought of how much Mama Ann loves to play.
And I said yes. We planned to go early on a Saturday. She had the shovels and jugs of water all ready.
They got down into the creek I played in as a child. See, my grandmother, their great-grandmother did it all for me too.
The children dug, moved rocks, acted like beavers building a dam. Team work!
I hope that their memories of Mama Ann’s creek will be as fond as mine.
But that, most of all, they will remember how much Mama Ann likes to play.
How, because of her love, she is always ready to give. Give the gift of memory making.
Yes, you can indeed count gifts in a creek bed. Amidst the Georgia red clay of a gully. Plus so many gifts of the last week…
All the things we think of when we go to Mama Ann’s: watching birds, making nature discoveries, playing with the train set, drawing a picture, admiring the latest quilt she is working on for the newest great-grandchild on the way, eating an ice cream cone on the porch.
- an eldest girl, getting to go away to camp and then, hugging her when she’s back again!
- a birthday week full of friends, family and love.
- rain, after such a parched week, cooler temperatures.
- garden vegetables, especially microwave squash casserole.
- a whole bag full of peaches, cut up and ready to enjoy. Thank you, friend!
- a poppy seed chicken casserole we all enjoyed compliments of my sweet friend. Food is always a welcome birthday gift 🙂
- cousins playing
Counting gifts 2554-2571.
Only be on your guard and diligently watch yourselves, so that you don’t forget the things your eyes have seen and so that they don’t slip from your mind as long as you live. Teach them to your children and your grandchildren. Deut. 4:9
I love the whole family tradition about this. It must be wonderful to have a place to go that evoke so many memories for your family. Lots of other summer fun this week as well!
That’s the kind of grandma I want to be! What a fun, if exhausting, activity.
I learned how to be a magical grandmother from Mama Ann…yes, she has imprinted memories that will last a lifetime on her children, grandchildren and great grandchildren!