A Homeschool Mom’s Guide To Homeschooling Preschool and First Grade
A homeschool mom’s guide to homeschooling preschool and first grade. Includes weekly learning activities and encouragement for the day to day!
Today I’m highlighting the little ones – our preschooler and first grader. Here we are half way through the year. Here we are in February and that makes me want to cling to the next few months. Because these are our last months of preschool. Next school year, Lil’ Buddy will be a kindergartener!
A Homeschool Mom’s Guide To Homeschooling Preschool and First Grade
We are homeschooling the stretch of ages this year – preschool, elementary, middle school and high school. I shared a couple of weeks ago an update on homeschooling high school.
What have our preschooler and first grader been up to? Well, we are still pretty much staying the course I shared in Preschool to First Grade Curriculum and Organization. I start our homeschool day with the youngest two, sitting right there in that little school chair between the two.
A Typical Homeschool Morning with the Little Ones
In between helping Littlest Girl with a Saxon 1st Grade Math lesson, I read Rod and Staff’s Bible stories. Sometimes we get totally sidetracked playing with teddy bear counters. We practice some handwriting. Lil’ Buddy does a page or two in his current Rod and Staff preschool workbook. Both children complete a page or two in Alphaphonics – reading aloud. Once they both finish with these basics, they are off to play together.
These two join us again at lunch time when we fit in some of the extras. Depending on the day that means they participate in science, Tapestry of Grace, nature studies, You ARE an ARTiST Homeschool Fine Arts or any of those enriching subjects, each at their own level…
Homeschool Resources for Learning to Read
But the highlight of this week is this. I brought a stack of favorites from the shelf on Monday. I sat the stack on the family room table. And I asked Littlest Girl to read to Lil’ Buddy each afternoon after lunch. I’m saving this photo essay for always. Because it’s happening again. An older sibling teaching the younger one to read. Those pages of Hey! I’m Reading! had them laughing and dissolving into giggles.
Getting things accomplished isn’t nearly as important as taking time for love. ~ Janette Oke
Here are a few more posts I’ve written on the subject of learning to read:
It was a week of getting back into a routine and taking care. I got back from BEECH Retreat on Sunday to find out that Middle Girl was sick. The scarlet fever part of strep – rash and all! She is much better this Friday. 1. Littlest Girl working on Saxon Math 1st Grade | 2. The younger two had strep tests too but thankfully only have colds | 3. Littlest Girl was very busy this week – here she helps big sister practice her Glinda lines for drama troupe’s Wizard of Oz | 4. Hodgepodgedad reads our AiG Science & Technology lesson on computers | 5. We finished Sign of the Beaver early in the week and enjoyed more Ben Franklin books with our Tapestry of Grace studies | 6. The brothers Hodgepodge
I pray that Christ will live in your hearts by faith and that your life will be strong in love and be built on love. Ephesians 3:17
How is homeschooling your little ones going this year? Are you homeschooling preschool and first grade? I’d love to hear in the comments…
Published February 2013 and updated March 2025
About Hodgepodgemom
Tricia faces a daily dose of chaos homeschooling five children. The biggest lesson she’s learned? At the end of the day – when the dishes are put away and the children are tucked in bed – truly what matters is each child’s relationship with the Lord. Raising children is a God-given privilege and, folks, the time is short.
Love your preschooler and Kinder images this week! This is a big year for both of them…reading is such a door that opens up everything to our children. You are doing such a great job balancing all you have on your plate..hugs.
I love those photos of them laughing together! The unposed photos are the ones that I remember and enjoy years later.
I have a kindergarten student again this year (for the first time in 7 years!) It’s been terrific…he’s amazingly enthusiastic about it all. Let’s hope it continues!
I’m so sorry your sweet girl was sick – what a blessing those giggles are. I love the way you have a routine that works so well with your family. Your words are encouraging – thank you again and as always!
What a joy-filled, encouraging and helpful post. I LOVE your window-desk set up. What an ideal set up that is for the desks with all the light coming through.
Can you believe that it took us a while to truly use that sunny spot? It truly is ideal. I am all for using, enjoying and taking advantage of sunny spots!
My littles are enjoying their ages and stages. We’ve got 6th, 2nd, 1st, a PreK who keeps up with the 2nd grader, another PreK, a Toddler, and a 1 year old. We’re reading and doing lots of hands on math together. They are itching for spring so we can get outside more often – and so am I. It finally warmed up above 0F this week and the snow has mostly melted today. The yard is a muddy pit and we’re due for snow tomorrow. Sigh. Spring always comes, right?
Spring is soon for sure!! Here in Georgia the jonquils blooming are promising that. It always seems that if we can just make it through February and take advantage of the nice days when they come…
I love it when children read to each other. It benefits everyone. Bummer on the scarlet fever. I had that when I was a child, and I missed two weeks of school! (hopping over from iHomeschool Network)
Oh, what joy you have given me seeing your youngest two have so much fun together. The love between them is so great, that it makes my heart melt. I so look forward to your weekly wrap-up posts.
Love the hysterical laughter pics! Thanks for sharing all the joy of your week! I love your ideas and how your kids are all involved together at some level. Gives me hope for our 4 working together better and better! :0)
Love your preschooler and Kinder images this week! This is a big year for both of them…reading is such a door that opens up everything to our children. You are doing such a great job balancing all you have on your plate..hugs.
We studied Ben Franklin last week he was an Amazing man doing so much in his life!
I love those photos of them laughing together! The unposed photos are the ones that I remember and enjoy years later.
I have a kindergarten student again this year (for the first time in 7 years!) It’s been terrific…he’s amazingly enthusiastic about it all. Let’s hope it continues!
I agree Eddie – the candid photos are the treasures! And yes, the little ones sure do mix in the fun in our homeschool days 🙂
I’m so sorry your sweet girl was sick – what a blessing those giggles are. I love the way you have a routine that works so well with your family. Your words are encouraging – thank you again and as always!
What a joy-filled, encouraging and helpful post. I LOVE your window-desk set up. What an ideal set up that is for the desks with all the light coming through.
Can you believe that it took us a while to truly use that sunny spot? It truly is ideal. I am all for using, enjoying and taking advantage of sunny spots!
Wonderful, wonderful pictures! Love the giggles!
Love the pictures and all the books! Too sweet.
My littles are enjoying their ages and stages. We’ve got 6th, 2nd, 1st, a PreK who keeps up with the 2nd grader, another PreK, a Toddler, and a 1 year old. We’re reading and doing lots of hands on math together. They are itching for spring so we can get outside more often – and so am I. It finally warmed up above 0F this week and the snow has mostly melted today. The yard is a muddy pit and we’re due for snow tomorrow. Sigh. Spring always comes, right?
Spring is soon for sure!! Here in Georgia the jonquils blooming are promising that. It always seems that if we can just make it through February and take advantage of the nice days when they come…
I love it when children read to each other. It benefits everyone. Bummer on the scarlet fever. I had that when I was a child, and I missed two weeks of school! (hopping over from iHomeschool Network)
Oh, what joy you have given me seeing your youngest two have so much fun together. The love between them is so great, that it makes my heart melt. I so look forward to your weekly wrap-up posts.
Phyllis – I could barely keep the camera straight – they were making ME laugh so! Hugs, friend.
Love the hysterical laughter pics! Thanks for sharing all the joy of your week! I love your ideas and how your kids are all involved together at some level. Gives me hope for our 4 working together better and better! :0)
LOVE the photos. Reading this, thinking how I might be in the preschool and 1st grade boat myself next year!
Oh I just love to think of you in the preschool and 1st grade boat Jamie!
There’s nothing better than sitting in the sunlight and learning something new!