Links updated!
Read my review of Tapestry of Grace at The Curriculum Choice.
A scrapbook of our Tapestry of Grace (TOG) studies…
I sometimes feel like a Tapestry cheerleader. I love it! We love it! Tapestry is the best! Hip, Hip Hooray! For families with children on several different levels it is a major blessing. To accomplish many subjects on all grade levels simultaneously. That means less work all around!
At the 2011 Georgia Homeschool Educators Association Convention, I had the privilege of representing Tapestry. At the Tapestry booth with two fellow TOG moms, I got to share the joy of the journey. In this recap post, I link to a host of Tapestry resources, from Marcia Somerville’s explanation of the Map of the Humanities to key spots on their website: Tapestry of Grace at GHEA Convention.
Here’s a round up of learning links to posts from Year Three studies. Our TOG Year Three Scrapbook:
- January round up
- Back to Tapestry
- Homeschool Expo ’10
- Unit study celebration TOG Year 3 Unit 3 (this post includes some recommendations for year 3 studies)
- A few favorite homeschool convenience items – TOG lapbooks
- Regular stuff – just a regular week teaching five childrenOur Own Chinese Restaurant
- Tapestry Highlights & FIAR lapbooks
- Old books and week in review
- Spring ’09 Homeschool Expo – showing off TOG studies
- Unit Celebration TOG Year 3 Unit 1
In summary:
We spread our first year of Tapestry of Grace over two years. I think this was a good approach for getting used to Tapestry. Also for the age and stage we started using this curriculum (K,3rd and 5th for the older three children). I plan to pick up the pace next year. Especially now that the older two will both be middle schoolers.
I feel I’ve learned what we can handle in the smorgasbord of learning Tapestry offers. With just a taste, the learning is rich. And I’ve learned it is ok – we won’t get to it all.
However, I hope to be better next year at using Tapestry for all it can be used for. I’ll pull some spelling and vocabulary words from our reading. I can also make better use of the geography offered.
We did well with reserving library books ahead of time. Finding alternatives (from the list offered) when the first choices weren’t available. Our Story of the World resources from past studies served us well as back up.
I still love the lapbooks as review. One lapbook for the whole family to work on for a whole week.
A sample TOG week:
Monday – weekly meeting, History
Tuesday – Geography
Wednesday – Writing
Thursday – Literature
Friday – Arts and Activities, final draft of writing, learning links on TOG site.
A think the biggest blessing was our mid-year (I’ll admit, reluctant on my part) switch to workboxes. We took a break in February to do an Olympics unit study and to follow the games. So I was able to try out workboxes on a small unit study. That helped me to see how TOG would translate into workboxes.
I summarized workbox success in the post TOG in Workboxes. Wow, what we were able to accomplish in a day with a bit more pre-planning. And if we didn’t get to it – there it was waiting and ready the next day.
I’m so grateful to my friend, littlesanctuary, for pointing us to Tapestry. She has a way with picking curriculum for families. And TheOneThing and Sonflower for the workbox coaching. For homeschool friends to lean on!
Looking forward to starting with Tapestry Year One in July.
*Update – change of plans to Year Four. See why in the post Curricula for 2010-2011.
- Planning tips in Readying Tapestry + the rest – 15 minutes twice a day
- *Tapestry Presidential Lapbook
- *Tapestry Epiphany
I am thinking about switching to tapestry from Sonlight and Winter Promise. I want more of our learning to be together rather than separate cores for different age kids. Does tapestry offer family read alouds or just reading depending on the age level? We have a writing program we already like, so would it be worth it to still purchase tapestry if we are only going to use history, geography, and reading/literature? Are timeline figures included with Tapestry?
Hi Mindy – Yes, there are literature read alouds that span the age range. Many weeks. But there are also age-specific readings as well. That’s what I love. Of course, I am going to say it is worth it to purchase Tapestry for just those subjects 🙂 in our family we are in it for the long haul, so even if we don’t find ourselves ‘using’ certain parts of Tapestry one year, we will cycle through and enjoy it another year. If you have a writing program you are enjoying then, certainly keep on using it! Timeline figures are not included with Tapestry. I have found that I use the ones from our Sonlight years now and then. You can also built your own timeline with Tapestry. I hope this has helped!
Hi Tricia! I love your blog! I am brushing up on TOG (after the haze) and was so happy to find this post. However, the links are not working properly. They take me to iCloud, oddly. I hope you can get them fixed soon. God bless!
Hi Tonya – Thanks for your kind comment. Yes, those links do lead to our old site from three years ago. I have a more updated index of Tapestry posts I hope you will enjoy: But will let you know when I get a chance to update these. Was there one in particular you are interested in?