That which does not kill us makes us stronger.
Friedrich Nietzsche
Well, tonight I took my first Zumba class, I lived through it but I thought I was going to die. What I learned after just one class is that I am in terrible shape!! Seriously, I thought I was going to throw-up, pass out or literally die. I do know eventually I will become physically stronger if I choose to discipline myself to go back and take classes a couple of times a week, and also start including some other type of exercise in my day-to-day life. If I am physically stronger; heart, lungs, muscles, etc. than I know I will feel stronger. In fact this discipline of exercising actually is very much-needed for my physical well-being. If I am stronger and in better health; than I will be a better wife and mom. In fact I will just be a better “me”! I know the process may feel like it is killing me! I just have to keep telling myself that it really won’t kill me and the benefits I will receive makes it all worth it!!
That which does not kill us makes us stronger
Now, I want to talk about another form of discipline that truly is vital to our over all well-being. Most importantly this discipline is not only for his life but also for the one to come.
On the other hand, discipline yourself for the purpose of godliness; for bodily discipline is only of little profit, but godliness is profitable for all things, since it holds promise for the present life and also for the life to come.~~1 Timothy 7b-8
I am talking about the discipline of godliness! As the Word tells that godliness is profitable for ALL things. So I need to exercise my spirit daily to become more godly; this in turn will benefit every single part of my life even the life to come. What I have learned about spiritual training; the process at times seems as if it might literally kill you. You know what, that is exactly what is happening. Your flesh is dying; which is really what we want to happen. This dying process is physically, emotionally and even spiritually painful.
For a moment or two I felt like walking out of that Zumba class!! I will admit from time to time in my spiritual training I have also felt like walking out and giving up. I am so thankful to the Lord because of Him, I have disciplined myself to stay, to never give in or give up. There is just way to much to gain if I stay spiritually disciplined. The gain is not just for me; it is for everyone in my life day-to-day, it is for anyone that I may ever come in contact with, and most of all it will truly glorify the Father!!
I pray that all of us that belong to the Lord through His son Jesus will choose the discipline of godliness, no matter how painful the dying of the “flesh” is because we know what the Word says and we choose to trust the one who is the author of that Word. The discipline of godliness; will NOT kill the real us; the real us is who we are in the spirit. It will only make our spirit stronger; which will have wonderful, beautiful lasting effects in this life and the one to come.
God sees us all as unique individuals so the training process will not be the same but I truly feel the discipline of godliness for all of us will include all that I listed below.
1. We must choose to live out; not my will BUT your will Lord!
2. Have an active relationship with Him; let that relationship control every part of our life
3. Communicate with Him; prayer, listening, singing, confessing, offering thanksgiving, worship
4. Get to know Him; the very essence of who He is by getting to know all of His Word
5. Say NO to your flesh through the power of the Holy Spirit
6. Share Him with the world both near and far; spiritually, physically and emotionally
So we’re not giving up. How could we! Even though on the outside it often looks like things are falling apart on us, on the inside, where God is making new life, not a day goes by without his unfolding grace. These hard times are small potatoes compared to the coming good times, the lavish celebration prepared for us. There’s far more here than meets the eye. The things we see now are here today, gone tomorrow. But the things we can’t see now will last forever. 2 Cor. 4:17-18
About AngieI am a full-time mom of 2 wild but precious boys and I have been married for 19 yrs to the love of my life!! I am B.A.M. (born and made in the image of God) and I love my Creator, Lord, Savior, and Friend with all my heart!! |
Awesome Angie, what a great analogy. Thank you for sharing!
How wonderful Angie. I love the example you give us of the Zumba class and the choices we make in life regarding godliness! What a great list you have shared as well! I’ve heard those classes are exhausting but fun. Wow – go girl! I think for now I’ll stick to my low-impact neighborhood walking 🙂
Great and practical list for spiritual fitness. Thanks!