Romans 1:12
That is, that we may be mutually strengthened and encouraged and comforted by each other’s faith, both yours and mine.
2 Corinthians 1:4
Who comforts (consoles and encourages) us in every trouble (calamity and affliction), so that we may also be able to comfort (console and encourage) those who are in any kind of trouble or distress, with the comfort (consolation and encouragement) with which we ourselves are comforted (consoled and encouraged) by God.
1 Thessalonians 5:11
Therefore encourage (admonish, exhort) one another and edify (strengthen and build up) one another, just as you are doing.
I want to ENCOURAGE you to let God use you to love on others. Encouraging somone is a very easy and simple thing to do yet it can mean so much to the one being encouraged. I have been on the receiving end of encouragement and it seems at times to be life changing. It is my prayer, my hearts desire that God will use me to encourage those around me. I encourage you to share what God has done for you, share those talents He has given you, share what you are doing as a parent, a home school mom, a sunday school teacher, etc., you just never know when God will use something you do or have experienced to encourage (help, motivate, inspire) another. Pray for those around you and listen to the Holy Spirit. You may be urged to share the Word, make a phone call, write a note, an e-mail, a text message or spend time with someone. Encouraging is a wonderful habit to have. When we encourage we are actually loving like God loves and loving as He has called all of us to do!!
John 13:34-35 I give you a new commandment: that you should love one another. Just as I have loved you, so you too should love one another. By this shall all [men] know that you are My disciples, if you love one another [if you keep on showing love among yourselves].
What a great habit! I too have often been on the receiving end of others’ encouraging words and pray that I will let God use me in the same way. Thanks for sharing!
“How do you know if someone needs encouragement? See if they’re breathing.” Truett Cathy said that and I totally agree with him and with your post!
Love it! How important to follow through with those prompts from the Lord. I’m often surprised at how blessed I am in return.