Practical Prayer Part Two
Remember that praying without ceasing verse? And Kerri’s Pocketful of Sunshine? Sometimes I turn around and see this. Just. Exactly. When. I. Need. To.
One weary morning last week, my eyes rested on this framed scripture. The one my eldest decorated when she was a baby. And because of that, my mind turned to…
Mount up with wings as eagles… and we made it through Math.
After lunch, when I really wanted to holler, I saw…
Then, when the papers, crayons and school books were spread far and wide, my eyes caught this verse. Rather than put my head down on the school table, we all did a five minute room rescue…
Near the supper table… God is great. God is good.
Another evening, when a small one got up again, insisting that Max & Ruby’s blue tarantula was in the wardrobe, my eyes fell on this verse. There in the darkened hallway. Instant wisdom and comfort.
And yet another evening, as I stepped into my bathroom, I was reminded to go ask forgiveness.
This verse stays in our family room, on the end table, near the TV. A reminder to be careful, little eyes…
This verse sits between two sets of children’s bedrooms.
“…Talk of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up.” (NKJV)
And, at my kitchen sink, I remember especially because…
These Watch Words from the Doorposts family. The Word within sight all the time. Right where we can see it. Right where we need it.
-Tricia homeschools five children from elementary through high school. She’s forsaken life in the drive thru lane for the road home. She’s saving bucks and her sanity with the frugal recipes and sock it away strategies of her Southern roots. You can find her facing that daily dose of chaos at Hodgepodge. Tricia is a.k.a. Hodgepodgemom.
(originally published 2010)
Love this. It is good to have these little reminders hanging up. I like that you have them framed. It makes them more permanent. Because isn’t the Word of the Lord just that? Never failing, always healing, always teaching and never changing. I just usually write them and tape them to the cabinet. I have a gazillion frames out in the garage right now . . . maybe I should take your lead? 🙂
I really like this. I have a few verses posted around on index cards, which is okay, but yours is much more beautiful!
Mama Bear and Jamey – The Doorposts family made these verses so visually beautiful 🙂 I used what I had around the house – scrapbook paper, etc to mat some of the verses. Then I purchased a few frames. I also rearranged and reused some frames.
There are twelve verses in all. I highly recommend these Watch Words!
I really like this idea and would love to do the same in our home. I know I have a box of unused frames somewhere. So glad you shared this! I think my girls would enjoy doing this with me. Thank you!
Beautiful!! These would be wonderful for your own home and as a gifts!!
Thank you for posting this! As our little family is beginning to grow, I find myself asking God for the strength to go on with the day so much more than I used to! Adorning our house in Scripture like this would do us all a world of good!
Thank you Christina! …You shall write them on the doorposts of your house, and on your gates ~ Deuteronomy 6:9
I love all of these verses. What a great idea to frame them. We all need that constant encouragement throughout the day, when we may not even be looking for it. Thank you for sharing.
Thanks so much for linking up with Mustard Seed Planting…and for this post. What a great way to remember God’s word….by having it posted all of your house….This is beautiful!
I love the idea of having verses posted all over the house. I have verses in a few rooms, but obviously, I need to post some more!
Visiting and now following from Mustard Seeds…..I love this post & agree with those who have posted before me ~~ beautiful!!
These are beautiful! And what an inspiration. I will be moving soon and will definitely follow this trend. Thanks for sharing.
I’m totally going to add this to our school curriculum this week since so often we get stuck in the mire of bad attitudes and forget to look to God’s word for instruction and truth. Thanks for sharing!