Coming up in a couple short weeks we will celebrate a cousin’s wedding! All of my girls will have the privilege of a part in the ceremony in some way. Littlest girl is a flower girl!
Two years ago, when another cousin of mine wed, I saw these beautiful paper chains on Everyday Celebrating. You can order a custom made paper chain for any occasion. I figured this was something I could do myself.
I copied and pasted the passage from 1 Corinthians 13 from and printed it. I simply used pink and black construction paper! Just think of all the different ways you can use this idea.
We’ll be using this same paper chain for the upcoming bridesmaids luncheon.
See how beautiful it looks on the table at the bridal shower? Just a simple, construction paper decoration. (Of course those cheese straws and desserts look simply delicious as well!)
Strung around the flower arrangement.
I made another variation of this idea for a baby shower. I printed nursery rhymes and secured them to pink and blue construction paper (but forgot to take pictures!).
Love this adorable idea!