If ever there was a week that was an example of homeschool lasagna learning, it was this. Lasagna learning being layers and levels of different ages, all together. The spices of learning all blending and complementing.
Take Columbus. I read this book from our Tapestry studies to the age range (pictured at top). We just read and I was completely hoarse by the end of the book. But we had to keep going. Let me ask you this. Raise your hand if you knew:
- Columbus and his crew went to church the morning they left on their voyage. They went to pray for their trip!
- On one of his cross-Atlantic trips, ship-wrecked Columbus used the lunar eclipse to convince natives to continue feeding him and his crew.
These are facts I never learned in school. I’m telling you, teaching multiple ages? That includes me! Continuing educational delight for mom!
Tapestry of Grace for the older set: Besides the books we read together, the older two children studied church history. Seventh grader is working on a comparison/contrast of Martin Luther and John Calvin. Eight grader is writing a fictional short story and conducting interviews. She chose to interview several people to see what they know about Columbus.
Nature study – We are heavy into nature study with spring in full swing. We planted our Good Friday garden. And our studies are rounded up in yesterday’s post full of photos. Plus the girls got to hold baby chicks at our homeschool enrichment day yesterday. *Update: Robin Chalk Pastels tutorial here.
Nana came for a pastel tutorial – I’m looking forward to sharing that free lesson in our 10 days series. We also used pastels in our nature journals. And Nana gave us a new storage box for all our chalk pastels!
Plus, who can resist some easy cooking fun with Peeps s’mores? Thanks Pinterest!
Here’s a snapshot of the rest of the week:
1. Exploring tangram pieces for math | 2. the ‘One More Thing After Lunch‘ spread | 3. Cheerios in my drain – noticing the now | 4. Learning about Mozart with Harmony Fine Arts plans | 5. Come Thou Long- Expected Jesus (trying out all the songs in her new hymn book | 6. Petting baby chicks at homeschool Enrichment Day
- Today is a fun Friday! This morning we are enjoying some living math, learning games (which one is your favorite? I love Blokus).
Today we also enjoyed Field Day with our homeschool group!
Are you attending your state homeschool convention? I share the reasons you should in Continuing Education at Your State Homeschool Convention. Please let me know if you will be at GHEA so I can find you!
I hope you’ll be back next week for the start of Lasagna Learning: Teaching Multiple Ages!
Some of the topics in this series:
- A Recipe for Teaching Multiple Ages {Day 1}
- Helpful Homeschool Habits for Multiple Ages {Day 2}
- The 3 Rs for Multiple Ages {Day 3}
- How to Fit in All the Extras {Day 4}
- Afternoon Quiet Time for All Ages {Day 5}
- Unit Studies for Multiple Ages {Day 6}
- Teaching Art with Multiple Ages {Day 7}
- Hands On Learning, Projects for Multiple Ages {Day 8}
- Technology for All Ages {Day 9}
- I Honestly Don’t Know How You Do It {Day 10)
The 10 Days Series is organized by iHomeschool Network. I’m joining up with all these ladies, pictured below.
Just think: 280 encouraging posts to read!
**Remember to subscribe to Hodgepodge, so you won’t miss any lasagna learning starting Monday!
How about you. Have you planted a garden? Been enjoying the spring weather? Learned something this week you didn’t learn yourself in school?
I have never heard of the term Lasagna learning, but I believe that it is pretty much all we do! We love that Columbus book, too. It is very special in light of the recent rewriting of history and the painting of Columbus as just a bad guy. Can’t wait for the robin tutorial! I learn so much from seeing your weeks.
Lasagna learning is a Nana and Hodgepodge coined term 🙂 Explained the layers and levels of learning well, don’t you think? All together in the same pot – each one complimenting the learning tastes of another. With plenty of cheesy sprinkles on top? Ha! Thanks Phyllis!
My favorite parts of course are the nature study (especially the flowers in the Coke bottle) and the Mozart. 🙂
I wish we would have had TOG when all my kids were homeschooling so we could have experienced some of your lasagne learning.
Now how is this gonna affect your SEO? Haha!!
Your weeks always inspire me, particularly they make me want to do more art!
Thanks for linking!
Ooooh, I can’t wait for your robin tutorial! 🙂
Thanks ladies! Well, the robin pastel was just nature sketches for our studies. Those are mine and 6yo’s robins 🙂 We have another surprise pastel tutorial coming up. But, maybe robins in the future. We just used the same basic technique as the chickadee, looking at a field guide…
Update! Robin chalk pastels tutorial here: https://www.yourbesthomeschool.com/2012/04/robin-a-pastels-tutorial/
We are lasagna learners too. Pre-school through high school and mom is learning too!
So, I’m wondering when do others with many kids in school at home do their blogging and preparation for school?! I would love to improve on not cramming school preparation (ie: making schedules, printing worksheets from TOG, etc) in at the last minute of the weekend.
Sue- I am so happy to meet a fellow lasagna learner! I hope you don’t mind me sharing some links with you because I’ve written on blogging and prep for school: http://homeschoolblogging.com/how-to-blog-in-15-minutes-guest-post/
https://www.yourbesthomeschool.com/2012/01/helpful-habit-when-do-you-write/ and
I hope this helps and I always like to talk about it!