“Knock, Knock, Who’s There?”
I have written about our little friend the squirrel before. I’ve told you how it comes right up to the door, looks in and waits for us to get up and get it some bread. Well you will never believe what happened the other day. We had been gone from the house for a couple of hours, doing the grocery thing. This day we did the big three: Wal-Mart, Publix and Kroger. You can imagine how tired we were.
We came in the back door and were busy putting everything away. All of a sudden I hear this sound, like something hit the front door. I didn’t really think anything about it and went back to putting away the groceries. It hadn’t been more than a minute and I heard the noise again. So I asked Bob what it could be. He started looking around and when he opened the front door, there was the squirrel just waiting for us to open the door and give it some food. He came expecting and he was going to keep on knocking till he got what he came for.
How persistent are you, when it comes to prayer? Matthew 7:7-8 encourages us to…
“…Keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks, receives. Everyone who seeks, finds. And to everyone who knocks, the door will be opened.”
The key words there are “keep on.” Sometimes our prayers are answered right away, but most of the time the answer seems to be delayed. It seems to be delayed because we don’t immediately see anything happening in the physical realm. I believe that as soon as you make your request, God begins the process of answering you. You may never know what keeps the answer from coming right away, but God always has a reason.
Sometimes it is to make us exercise our faith so that it will grow. Sometimes God has to move people and situations around to fulfill what we need. Sometimes the answer is “no,” because God knows it would not be good for us. But sometimes the answer is delayed because of warfare that is going on in the spirit realm (check out Daniel 10). When we pray, God moves. So let me encourage you to be like our little squirrel, “keep on knocking.”
Whatever your need is today, don’t give up. Your answer is on the way. It may be a long wait or it may be just a heartbeat away. Remember the promise: the one who asks, receives; the one who seeks, finds and when you knock, the door will be opened.
~ Written by Beth, “My husband of 46 years and I recently retired from full time ministry and we are looking forward to discovering what God has in store for the next part of our journey. I am a very proud mother and grandmother and I love to encourage others through the word and my life experiences. My life verse is Psalm 118:24 – This is the day that the Lord has made; I choose to rejoice and be glad in it.”
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