This homeschool journey can sometimes seem like a lonely one. Especially when someone puts you on the spot, questioning your motives, your reasons or even your qualifications. However, I’ve found an across the board way to respond to and deal with these type questions. The answer is…
…Kindness. See, often what seems like criticism is simply curiosity. You can choose to respond positively and let your homeschooling light shine.
I’ve experienced many such questions. Some of them I was so very passionate about answering that I shared them in blog post form here at Hodgepodge. I’ve gathered them for you today! I invite you to share the criticism you face the most or your FAQ in the comments:
How Are You Qualified to Be a Homeschool Teacher? “Immediately my defensiveness swelled. The protective mother and ‘how dare you’ side of me. He must have seen this flash of feeling in me because he quickly added, “I’m honestly curious – I just want to know. This is very interesting.”
What About the Little Ones? this was the question I got most often when I had babies and toddlers. So much so that it became a series. How do you possibly do it? Teach the older ones math and keep up with the roaming toddler? Still I hear it now and then but these days it’s an exclamation: I Can’t Homeschool Because of the Little Ones <—- the best of the series all gathered in this post.
Are Your Children Socialized? “Yes…yes, ma’am, I know about co-ops. And yes, we really are homeschooling high school. Yes, really. And so far, it is going very well. It’s continuing education for me, I admitted. I’m always learning. Looking to see how best these children of mine learn. And this year, the responsibility has spread. Because, high school is not only the focus. A ready preschooler and first grader are stretching my mama – teacher abilities as well.
But there’s so much more to it, I thought to myself. Does she know how blessed I am? There’s really no way for her to know the true richness of our days – being a referee between siblings, picking up the puzzle pieces, rinsing that stack of dishes in the sink, reading that book one more time, having that conversation with my young adult…”
How Can You Possibly Fit It All In? you know, art, music and all the good stuff. I see these pictures of all the art you do. What about science? We do well just to fit in the basics. And folks, there are definitely seasons for the basics. Please know that. This also became a series because I get this question so much. Time management tips, sample schedules and more in a five day series.
That reminds me of the art critics…
The art critics say things like: “Well, I’m just not creative… art supplies are just so expensive…”
- Build a Love of Art (guest post at The Chaos and the Clutter)
- You CAN Be an Artist! My 10 day series offering encouragement and free art tutorials
- Encouraging Art (guest post at LaToya Edwards)
- My article, Art for the Homeschool, in HSLDA’s Early Years newsletter. “Well, I’m just not artistic.” I’ve heard that statement rather often from other homeschoolers who are at a loss as to how to incorporate art into their homeschooling. Since adding in the joy of art is one of my passions, I’m here to encourage you that building this habit is not hard. You did not have to inherit the art gene to pull out the paint brushes.”
- Guest Post at Homegrown Learners – How to Add Art to Your Homeschool
Will you Homeschool in High School? How will you homeschool high school? What about testing?
You might like to visit the Hodgepodge of FAQs here or our category of questions.
My iHomeschool Network friends are answering the critics too. Be sure to click over and see which one you’ve faced too.
Now it’s your turn! What criticisms have you faced with homeschooling? Those questions you are approached with the most. Remember…kindness! Click to comment…
I love the way you answer these questions. You answer with love and humility – even though you are so honest to say it does make you defensive. I think so many people are curious and want good, honest (not polly anna) answers. Many have a fear of it and many don’t believe in it because society has sold the lie that parents can’t parent their children, nor can they teach them. Many believe this because the truth about history has not been shared – the truth about Horace Mann and many others of the Social regime who sold Public schools to our society as a way to relieve society of a Christian thought process. It’s sad, but it’s true. And it’s something we all have to remember when we are talking to people about homeschooling. It’s a foreign language and concept to them, so we need to approach it lovingly and understand – they are not out to get us – they just don’t understand it. Sorry to ramble, but your post…is beautiful. YOu so lovingly share your days…in a beautiful and non-threatening way. I know you plant many seeds that may be growing roots right now….bringing children home and helping parents become Deuteronomy 6:7 parents.
Rebecca – yes! I continue to encounter the curious. We homeschoolers are a curious sort! I believe God is shaping hearts and opening minds, building and restoring families. Thank you for being a wonderful example of a loving, Godly family – and for your kind words.
Tricia, admit that when Angie and Carey first decided to home school, I was not sure about it. I had all the questions you mentioned and more, but as I have watched the process, I am so proud of the decision they made and of the job that Angie is doing. The boys are thriving and learning things in such unique ways. I know it isn’t for everyone, but I admire those who have been called to do it. God bless you and your family.
Fruits surely do offer evidence! What a wonderfully supportive grandmother you are. That truly makes a difference in the life of a homeschooling family – as I know first hand with wonderfully supportive grandparents and extended family! Yes, I am convinced that so many are simply curious – homeschooling is different from the public school life I grew up in and in those that are wondering about it. Thank you Beth!
I agree! It’s not easy, but it’s worth it!
SO MUCH good stuff in this post, Tricia. I love how you are able to thoroughly address these concerns, but with a generous helping of grace.
I don’t worry about the critics. As a home education father I keep my focus on my son and let the world continue to turn as it may. If asked about why my son is out running with me in the afternoon on a school day I just say “he is home-educated” and keep on running.I I have neither the time nor desire to try to educate people who feel no need to educate themselves. Vitae paramus. Non scholae sed vitae discimus.